Sunday 5 May 2013

Tidal Reef at Port Royal

Sidmouth (Lyme Bay) Surf Photo by Henry Peacock - Surf Photos -

Sidmouth reef scheme finds favour

Monday, July 20, 2009 
THERE seem to be more people in favour than against the concept of a Tidal Reef scheme for Sidmouth.
In response to the revolutionary tidal power scheme; which would also protect Pennington Point, that was revealed in the Sidmouth Herald on July 3, Aaron Palmer, on work experience with the paper from Sidmouth College, spent Friday morning talking to residents and tourists on the Esplanade to get their views.
These are his findings:
Harry Scott, a visitor to Sidmouth, said other reefs that he had seen had worked successfully and that this proposal was a good one.
"I would only agree on the idea if local people were involved in making the decisions," said Mrs Palmer, a resident of Sidmouth.
Jo Frith, a member of the Vision Group for Sidmouth, is championing the concept, which was developed by Evans Engineering.
The reef would have minimal visual impact as it would be located off the coast and could produce electricity by wave power. It could also protect the town from potential flooding.
Salcombe cliffs, which remain a big part of Sidmouth's history, "need to be protected", said Mrs Alexander, 43, who is a regular visitor to Sidmouth.
Mrs Hadland thought it was a good ecological proposal if it preserved people's homes and produced electricity.
Catherine Osbourne said it would be "another side" to Sidmouth and offer a different aspect, while visitor Basil Nunn said: "Something needs to be done."
Some residents however, are against the proposal of the reef because although Pennington Point may be protected from erosion, other parts of the Jurassic Coast may be affected by the project.
"Views will be disturbed" said a passing visitor near Jacob's Ladder, and a long-standing resident of Sidmouth added: "Nature will always win."
Mrs Preston from Sidmouth agreed and thought it best not to disrupt nature and worsen any cliff erosion.
While Peter Hook, who runs the seafront's Royal York and Falkner Hotel, thought the project was "pie in the sky".
*What are your views? Have your say on our forum page at  .

Evans Tidal Power Reef
The environment friendly alternative to the Severn Barrage
The REEF Tidal Power Group
Evans Engineering & Power Company

Latest News
The REEF tidal power concept endorsed by a new Atkins-Rolls Royce report commissioned by DECC (Department of Energy and Climate Change)
After controversy over the previous government awarding a study into the REEF concept to consultants Atkins and aero-engine makers Rolls Royce, the originators of the concept, Evans Engineering, are delighted to now have independent confirmation that the REEF concept is both valid from a hydraulic perspective as well as being on track to become the most environmentally friendly solution for capturing tidal energy in sensitive areas. The report recently published by DECC prior to the spending review goes on to say that a REEF type system could capture up to 50% more energy than the now dismissed barrage.
Much has been written about the demise of the Cardiff-Weston Severn Barrage, the environmentally damaging proposal that the REEF was designed to replace, but it has not been generally understood that the REEF project is very much alive and well. Fresh enthusiasm and the prospect of major private finance is pushing this proposal towards being the largest 'green energy project' in Europe and what could be described as the largest 'Machine on Earth' (probably the only machine that could be seen with the naked eye from space)

Severn Tidal Reef design by Evans Engineering
© Evans Engineering, 2008

Green World Trust - Tidal Power
Severn tidal reef
Severn Barrage should be scrapped in favour of tidal reef - RSPB - Telegraph
BBC NEWS | Wales | South East Wales | Severn reef plan is 'more green'
Tidal reef 'cheaper, better' than Severn Barrage

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