Tuesday, 23 July 2013

EDDC Office Accommodation Stakeholder Event

This is a copy of the invitation sent out to 'stakeholders' in advance of the event this Friday 26th July

You are invited to join us for a talk about the future of our Council headquarters.

We are committed to continuously improving our service delivery and an important part of that is working in a way that suits our operational needs and reduces our costs.

We have been considering and weighing up our options in relation to our office accommodation as our current home is costly and unsuitable for a modern office environment.  Whichever option we choose, we are seeking to achieve the following outcomes:

·         Financially viable – ‘fit for purpose’, flexible and functional accommodation that places no extra burden on the East Devon taxpayer
·         Environmentally friendly –  a smaller, more energy-efficient building meeting high design and BREEAM environmental standards
·         Open for Business – somewhere appropriate for a modern forward looking Council offering services that are accessible for all our customers and working practices that mean they can access services in the ways that suit them best
·         Well equipped – an office space that maximises the use of space and technology for the benefit of our customers and the productive working of our staff and councillors.

We recognise that this has been contentious for some but we remain committed to finding a solution which serves the best interest of East Devon as a whole.  Given that this is such an important issue, we would like to talk directly with some of our  important stakeholders so we’re organising  a dedicated session where we can explain face to face the issues we have with our current accommodation and the options that Members will be considering at the Cabinet meeting on 17 July.  We will then be asking for your thoughts on aspects of the four outcomes listed above.  Your ideas can then be considered during the development of the new performance/success criteria for the Council headquarters.

We would very much like to invite you to this session on Friday 26 July 2013 from 9.30am to 12.30pm at the Flybe Training Academy, Exeter International Airport. Free car parking is available at the Training Academy and a map of the location is attached. The session will be led by myself and facilitated by Deborah Hallett.

To book your place, please reply to Anna Herbert by 19 July 2013 on aherbert@eastdevon.gov.uk or 01395 517535. 

Councillor Paul Diviani
Leader, East Devon District Council

Anna Herbert
Secretary to Richard Cohen, Deputy Chief Executive
& Managers of the Economy Service
East Devon District Council

01395 517535
Ext 2735
Postal Address: East Devon District Council, Knowle, Sidmouth, EX10 8HL  


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