Friday 1 November 2013

Going, going, gone?......................................................... "Evidence from CPRE branches across England demonstrates that there is a growing threat to our most important landscapes from inappropriate development."

The latest campaign from CPRE:

 Campaigns update  Campaign to Protect Rural England
31 October 2013

England's masterpiece under threat
You may have read about our latest research on the threats to our most treasured landscapes. Our new report, Going, going, gone? England's disappearing landscapes, reveals how our countryside is under unprecedented development pressures.
We now need to persuade the Government to strengthen national planning policy by giving greater weight to the protection of nationally designated and locally valued landscapes.
Picture frame landscape with graffiti houses
CPRE's charter to save our countryside
We've had over 12,000 people sign up to the
Save our Countryside charter. But we need to increase this support to demonstrate our strength in the fight for the countryside and to persuade politicians at a local and national level that they must listen to public opinion. Together we can protect our most treasured landscapes.
Sign our charter today 
Save our countryside - Support CPRE's charter

Find out about threatened landscapes near you
Our new report, Going, going, gone? England's disappearing landscapes, demonstrates that there is a growing threat to our most important landscapes from inappropriate development. We have gathered evidence from around the country creating a snapshot of the most significant threats to National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. We have also highlighted the dangers faced by the countryside that lacks national protection but is, nevertheless, deeply valued by local communities. Once it's gone, it's gone forever.

Find out more
Go to our website to find out more about threatened beauty spots around the country and how you can help stop England's masterpiece disappearing.
Going, going, gone? England's disappearing landscapes
Going, going, gone? England's disappearing landscapes
Thank you for campaigning with us and helping us save the countryside we all love.
Best wishes,

Tony Fawcett

Tony FawcettCampaign to Protect Rural England

Campaign to Protect Rural England, 5-11 Lavington Street, London, SE1 0NZ
Tel: 020 7981 2800 Fax: 020 7981 2899

CPRE fights for a better future for the English countryside. We work locally and nationally to protect, shape and enhance a beautiful, thriving countryside for everyone to value and enjoy. Founded in 1926, we're a grassroots organisation, with more than 200 local groups, a branch in every county and 60,000 members and supporters. CPRE is a registered charity (1089685) and a company registered in England (4302973).

Going, going, gone? England's disappearing landscapes - Campaign to Protect Rural England

A local example:

Gittisham Parish councillors to hear proposals for 300 houses

Developers will set out their proposals for 300 houses to Gittisham Parish Council next week, following an exhibition last week.
I was unable to attend the exhibition but have acquired the paperwork as Gittisham is in my county council ward.  Cllr Susie Bond is the EDDC ward member.
In this latest major planning proposal (there have been so many major planning applications in my ward!), the fields targeted by developers, Welbeck, were designated as a “reserve site” in EDDC’s local plan.  But “reserve” which should have meant “if no other suitable proposal comes forward” appears to be meaningless, as this site is one of the first to come forward in the Honiton area.
For those of you familiar with Gittisham it is probably one of the most beautiful chocolate box villages you have ever seen and although the proposal is some way from the village itself, there would undoubtedly be an impact if the application is approved, in terms of traffic, at the very least.
There are also the impacts on schools and medical services, among other issues, to consider.
Looking through the literature, there are the usual lovely pictures of people cycling through countryside, people picnicking in pretty gardens and the developers appear to be suggesting that dormice and other protected species will be better off surrounded by 300 houses!  It states:  “The retention and bolstering of the hedgerow network together with the inclusion of extensive open space areas will provide enhanced habitats for dormice and maintain dark corridors for commuting and foraging bats….”
The area is over 28 acres and is over one mile away from the centre of Honiton.
Welbeck says it is in discussion with the Highways Agency and Devon County Council about the increasingly snarled up Turk’s Head junction, which is now regularly causing tailbacks well onto the A30.
Gittisham parish councillors will hear a presentation from developers, Welbeck, at their monthly meeting next Wednesday, 6 November. The meeting starts at 7.30pm.
A planning application is expected to be submitted before Christmas.  The link to Gittisham Parish Council’s website is here -
Claire Wright - Your Independent East Devon District Councillor for Ottery Rural

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