Tuesday 31 March 2015

Climate change: 'Inconvenient facts?' on Radio 4

The debate around climate change is about 
> how you 'frame the debate':
Futures Forum: Climate change: appealing to values and identity >>> From 'worthy but dull' to re-framing the debate >>> It's about: pollution >>> inter-generational debt >>> conserving the local landscape
> 'ending denial' in 2015:
Futures Forum: Climate change: 'the end of denial' and the 'tipping point to a zero carbon energy system'
> politics:
Futures Forum: Climate change: "a badge of political identity in a debate riven by ideological and tribal conflicts"
> keeping fossil fuels in the ground - and 'divestment':
Futures Forum: Climate change: keep it in the ground

But above all, it's about the science:
Futures Forum: Climate change: "The forecasts are accurate, unfortunately." And yet: “the history of trying to make economic forecasts is one of complete failure.”
Futures Forum: Climate change: a Horizon Guide tonight on BBC Four: "One of the greatest scientific undertakings in history."
Futures Forum: Climate change: by numbers >>> "a deeper-than-usual insight into some of the methods of climate science"

On Radio 4's 'Costing the Earth' earlier today, Tom Heap looked at the modelling with experts from the Met Office and beyond:

Climate Change: Inconvenient Facts?

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With arctic sea ice shrinking and Antarctic sea ice growing, Tom Heap asks what is happening to the climate.
Despite the consensus of scientists around the world, there are still some anomalies in the computer models of the future climate. Tom Heap is joined by a panel of experts to tackle some of the difficult questions that lead to uncertainties in our understanding of the changing climate.
The perceived wisdom in the scientific community is that the climate is warming but evidence shows that even though Arctic sea ice is melting, there has actually been a growth in Antarctic sea ice. That, along with a documented slow down in the warming of the climate since 1998, has been a 'stone in the shoe' of the climate change story. So what is happening?
Tom is joined by BBC and Met office weather presenter John Hammond to put these 'difficult' climate scenarios to a team of experts: Mark Lynas is an author and environmental campaigner, Mike Hulme is professor of Climate and Culture at Kings College London and Dr Helen Czerski is a broadcaster and 'bubble physicist' at UCL.
With the help of this panel, Costing The Earth discusses how best to communicate anomalies that don't appear in climate models and make the science sometimes hard to comprehend.
Presenter: Tom Heap
Producer: Martin Poyntz-Roberts.

BBC Radio 4 - Costing the Earth, Climate Change: Inconvenient Facts?

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