Saturday 17 December 2016

The Findhorn Foundation: How did a "wacky" commune in north east Scotland become a model for sustainable living?

As of today, this blog will be posting one piece a day over the holiday period - something a little contemplative or even provocative to look through.

First, a look at a truly pioneering Scottish experiment which the rest of the world seems to be catching up with.

From Italy last month:

From Switzerland this week:

From the States earlier this summer:

From a couple of years ago during half-century celebrations:

The Findhorn Foundation has attracted admiration and ridicule with its ethos of inner spirituality and environmental care. It is 50 years since three friends moved to a caravan in Moray, after listening to "inner voices", and began the Findhorn project. So how did a "wacky" commune in north east Scotland become a model for sustainable living?

And from the Foundation's own website:


A Model For Sustainable Living

Within the Findhorn Ecovillage at The Park, sustainable values are expressed in the built environment through our ecological houses, innovative use of building materials such as local stone and straw bales, the beauty in the architecture and gardens, and applied technology in the Living Machine sewage treatment facility and electricity-generating wind turbines. Sustainable values are also expressed in the community’s social, economic and educational initiatives.
  • The Findhorn Ecovillage

    Findhorn Ecovillage looks at sustainability not only in environmental terms, but also in social, economic and spiritual terms.
  • Sustainable Living

    The ecovillage model is a conscious response to the extremely complex problem of how to transform our human settlements, whether they be villages, towns or cities, into full-featured sustainable communities, harmlessly integrated into the natural environment.
  • Ecovillage Workshops

    Concepts, tools and techniques for creating sustainable human settlements. A practical forum for learning and for developing action plans drawing on the experience and expertise developed within the Findhorn Ecovillage and other initiatives.
  • CIFAL Scotland

    CIFAL Scotland, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research affiliated training centre for Northern Europe, is a hub for capacity building, leadership and knowledge sharing between local and regional authorities, international organisations, the private sector and civil society. CIFAL seminars take place at various Scottish cities or at the internationally known Findhorn Ecovillage.
  • United Nations and the Findhorn Foundation

    The Findhorn Foundation is an Non-Governmental Organisation associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information and takes an active role at UN headquarters in New York especially in the areas of education, sustainability and values.


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