Monday 17 July 2017

Plans for Port Royal: an alternative view: a new campaign: an online petition

A campaign has been launched by a group of District Councillors to challenge the 'vision' presented by the consultants working on the Scoping Study for Port Royal:
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >> Scoping Study consultation >> challenged by new campaign

Local social media has covered the story:
Sidmouth Councillors launch ‘3Rs’ alternative for Port Royal..Retain, Refurbish, Reuse | Save Our Sidmouth
Newsletter Archive - Sidmouth Drill Hall Rescue
“38 degrees” petition started on plans for Sidmouth’s Port Royal | East Devon Watch

Here is the press release from the campaign:

'Sidmouth Councillors launch campaign for the 3Rs – an alternative plan for Port Royal
Four of Sidmouth’s District Councillors are launching an alternative plan for Port Royal called the 3R’s – Retain, Refurbish, Reuse.
In October, EDDC will decide the future of Sidmouth’s eastern seafront. This will follow the Scoping Study and consultation done in conjunction with Sidmouth Town Council (STC). At the moment the only apparent option is the implementation of the Local Plan’s proposal for a large, multi-use building with 30 homes. However Cllr Matt Booth said, “We believe that there is a viable alternative approach and are calling for residents and visitors to support our proposal”
Launched by the four councillors today, Cllr Cathy Gardner said that “The 3R’s encapsulates what many people have said they want.”
Retain – Refurbish – Reuse
Retain existing buildings and uses; 
Refurbish the whole area as needed; 
Reuse sites such as the Drill Hall and old boat park. 
“We’re not laying out a fixed set of ideas, we want residents to be given a chance to debate the enhancement of the area and to reach a democratic solution. We will be holding a public meeting to bring together supporters of this proposal and ideas for funding. We are confident that many people can help to deliver a plan of this kind if it’s adopted, whether by volunteering, donating or fundraising.” 
The meeting will be held at All Saints Church Hall, Sidmouth, from 7pm on 23rd August.
Cllr Booth has previously investigated sources of funding for this project and said “Funds can be raised for schemes that support the community. There may even be business opportunities in the Drill Hall. We will be calling on EDDC and STC to include this proposal in their plans and properly investigate the option of developing community value on the land they own, rather than seeking some financial gain from public land.”
People can show their support for this campaign by signing a 38degrees petition ; attending the meeting on 23rd August ; and by writing to Sidmouth Town Council and EDDC.
Cllrs Cathy Gardner and Matt Booth, Sidmouth Town ward, EDDC
Cllrs Marianne Rixson and Dawn Manley, Sidmouth Sidford ward, EDDC 

Useful links: 

Illustrative Street View Sketch of Proposed building’ and ‘Illustrative Massing Diagram’ (Port Royal, Sidmouth. Board 4 Proposal)  at this link

Here is the petition:

To: East Devon District Council c/o P Diviani and Sidmouth Town Council

Alternative plan for Sidmouth's Port Royal - the 3R's

Alternative plan for Sidmouth's Port Royal - the 3R's
Include our alternative plan for Port Royal: Retain, Refurbish, Reuse in your regeneration proposal in place of the current 'multi-use development'.

Why is this important?

In October this year EDDC will decide on future development for the Port Royal area of our seafront. This follows a scoping study done in conjunction with Sidmouth Town Council. The large-scale development put forward in the consultation (and as proposed in the Local Plan) will have a huge impact on the views, use of the area and change its unique character. People in Sidmouth have been asking why the area can't remain as it is, with subtle improvements and changes. We now call on EDDC to reconsider their plan for a large new building and adopt our proposal to Retain, Refurbish and Reuse. Retain existing buildings, allow careful refurbishment of the whole area and open up discussions on potential uses for the Drill Hall.

How it will be delivered

Delivery in person, to the Leader and Chair of EDDC and the Chair of STC

And here is the poster:


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