Sunday, 4 March 2018

"Retain-refurbish-reuse" >>>>> "Revive Port Royal for all | a community initiative >>> information sheets

The District Council is to market the Drill Hall:
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: selling the Drill Hall, rather than producing a masterplan

But, what is to inform this process?

There are several studies out there:
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: a Drill Hall study

We have the Scoping Study's researches:
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >> Scoping Study consultants' "final report" published

The Neighbourhood Plan provides public feedback, information and analysis
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: marketing of Drill Hall to coincide with draft Neighbourhood Plan

And the 3Rs campaign group have produced eight information sheets:

The 3Rs team have prepared a set of information sheets to help more people know the facts and understand aspects of the potential redevelopment of Port Royal and eastern town.
The following topics have been covered (and the facts checked as closely as possible):
  1. What challenges do East Devon District Council face in redeveloping Port Royal?
  2. Why is it essential to retain the Drill Hall?
  3. How important is EDDC in deciding what happens at Port Royal?
  4. What is the Ham and its conveyance?
  5. What role does Sidmouth town council play?
  6. What does the Local Plan have to do with Port Royal and what is it?
  7. Where does Devon County Council come in?
  8. How could the car parks be refurbished?
Please pass these on to anyone who might be interested, they can also be printed and put on noticeboards. We can cover other topics if you think they would be useful so please do tell us what you want to know.
The sheets open as a PDF (making printing easier); if you require a free PDF reader this is available from:
We check our facts as closely as possible but if you spot an error in anything we produce please accept our apologies and do let us know immediately so we can make the necessary corrections.
Information sheets | Revive Port Royal for all

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