Friday, 27 April 2018

Sidmouth Plastics Week > Tuesday 8th - Saturday 12th May

A preliminary programme for a week looking at plastic pollution went out a couple of weeks ago:
Futures Forum: Plastics Week in Sidmouth: 7th - 12th May

Most of the events are now confirmed - and here's the press release which has just gone out:


Futures Forum of the Vision Group for Sidmouth

Sidmouth Science Festival

24th April 2018


There will be a focus on plastic pollution during the second week of May, when the Futures Forum of the Vision Group and the Science Festival will be co-hosting events to look at how we can encourage us all to look at this with fresh eyes.

On Tuesday 8th May, Sohvi Nuojua from Plymouth University will be giving a talk at the Cellar Bar of Kennaway House, on the latest research into how plastic pollution happens.

In particular, she’ll be talking about “The human dimension: How social and behavioural research can help address marine litter.”

As the University research web pages suggests, “Tapping into the public’s passion for the ocean environment could be the key to reducing the threats posed to it by plastic pollution.”

“Millions of tons of plastic particles accumulate in our seas each year as a result of human behaviour, and once there they have a potentially detrimental effect on marine life.”

“But reversing this trend, and finding ways to maintain both the health of our oceans and the human benefits associated with it, is a complicated task.”

On Friday 11th May, the popular performance poet Matt Harvey will be making another appearance in Sidmouth.

To quote his publisher, “whimsical, ecological, political and just plain funny, Matt is a frequent live performer (a hilariously entertaining one, at that) throughout his native U.K., and is involved with the Transition Town movement.”

And for his gig in the Cellar Bar of Kennaway House, he will be doing his usual run through things ‘green’, whilst taking a tour through some plastic-themed pieces.

Tickets are only £5 and will be available on the door – or at Paragon Books and Winstone’s bookshop on the High Street.

And parallel to Plastics Week, the Sidmouth Plastic Warriors will be hosting the monthly Chamber of Commerce breakfast on the morning of Wednesday 9th May, to see how businesses can be helped to go ‘plastic free’.

Plus, the Warriors will be working hard from 10am on Saturday 12th May, beach cleaning and then putting together an art installation from the plastic rubbish gathered – to make a visual point about the pollution of our seas.

This of course is part of the annual Sea Fest on the Ham, whose special focus on reducing single use plastics this year will kick off with the beach clean.

This will be the town’s first festival where all the food retailers and community organisations will use only bio-degradeable or recyclable materials.

Which will all go to show that we can do something to really make an impact on plastic pollution.

With more information here:
How can we tackle the plastic pollution in our seas? | Sidmouth Science Festival
An evening with Matt Harvey - Sidmouth Plastics Week | Sidmouth Science Festival

And here:
Sidmouth Plastic Warriors Public Group | Facebook
Sidmouth Sea Fest - Home | Facebook

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