Friday 28 December 2018

Make Wealth History > the UK's 'number one green blog'

Here's an interesting place to go for information, news and views:

And here's a review of that blog from earlier in the year:


Make Wealth history
Jeremy Williams writes the Top UK Green Blog, Make Wealth History. Covering a whole range of environmental and sustainable issues, Jeremy believes that true change comes from the people. We spoke to Jeremy about the latest in green innovations, global environmental trends working with PRs.
What makes your blog unique?I’m curious about lots of different things, so the blog is a fairly unusual mix of sustainability, development, politics, architecture, green tech and all sorts. And I focus on solutions. There’s plenty of bad news out there, and I’ll cover that, but I want the blog to inspire people to action rather than make them depressed about the state of the world.
Will we ever live in a fully sustainable world?Yes, although there are two ways to end up in a sustainable world. One is to design it and shift towards it deliberately. The other is to wreck things so badly that industrial civilization becomes impossible. I’m a big advocate of the first approach, naturally.
What are the biggest eco/green trends at the moment that we should all be aware of?For a long time, people have been predicting that renewable energy would fall in price until it became cheaper than fossil fuels, and then the shift could really accelerate. We’re at that point right about now. Look out in a couple of years’ time for a similar moment when electric cars cost the same as petrol ones.
How is technology helping us be more environmentally aware?I’m a big fan of smart meters that allow us to see how much energy we’re using in real time. It definitely makes me more aware of what I’m using and how I can reduce it. I also really value phone apps that help me to identify birds, trees or wildflowers.
Who do you think has the most responsibility when it comes to the environment (individuals/industry/media/government etc)?Responsibility is shared, but if you think about it, businesses won’t move unless the Government tells them to, and Government won’t move unless the voters call for it. So, it’s up to us to kick up a fuss.
How do you like to work with PRs and brands?I’m fairly choosy about who I work with, as I often have to critique corporations or bad business practice, and I don’t want to be a hypocrite! But I do have regular book reviews and host affiliate links for books.
What are your favourite campaigns or collaborations that you’ve been part of?I’m an ambassador for Kiva, the microfinance charity, and I love being able to point people to what they do.
What do you call yourself (blogger/content creator/influencer etc)?I call myself a writer and campaigner if I’m talking about my broader work, as I also write books and research reports and all sorts of other things. But I’m happy to call myself a blogger when I’m talking about the blog.
What other blogs do you read?
There are lots that I check in on occasionally, but I’ll give a shout to Carbon BriefCirculate NewsFrom Poverty to Power and The Climate Lemon as some of my favourites.
Jeremy Williams and Make Wealth History are both listed on the Vuelio Database, along with thousands of other fantastic bloggers, journalists, editors, MPs and SpAds.

See also:

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