Sunday 3 February 2019

How to recycle in East Devon

Sarah Allen of Exmouth has got some handy ideas:
Futures Forum: Sarah's 7Rs > Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Rot, Recycle, Return.

- which she very much puts into practice:
Futures Forum: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Create 1 wheelie bin of rubbish per 6 months, with kids!

Here are her latest, as passed on to Transition Exmouth:

Sarah's 7Rs

To be blunt: we all talk about it but Sarah actually does it so take some leaves out of her book. Here is the link to Sarah Allen’s blog on the subject of reducing waste:
Here is Sarah's 7Rs take on that mnemonic: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Rot, Recycle, Return. Sarah agreed to my publishing her notes so here is her advice on RECYCLE:
  • Anything not able to be dealt with using the previous “R’s” is recycled if possible.
  • Kerb-side: plastic bottles and containers, glass, tins/cans, textiles, shoes, batteries, paper, cardboard, electrical items and foil. (, scroll down to ‘Recycling and Rubbish’, click and then click on ‘A-Z of recycling and disposals)
  • Tesco/Coop: plastic food bags from things like fruit, bread, frozen peas, cereal bags etc. to be recycled with carrier bags. (I have a lot less than I used to but still have some)
  • Sainsburys Pinhoe Road: Plastic film such as the non-stretchy type around products like spinach, the top of ham packets and cheese bags.
  • Recycling labelling- often plastic inside cardboard (do the squeeze test) “Not Yet Recycled”, this simply means less than 20% of local authorities collect it across the UK, it doesn’t actually mean you can’t recycle it. (link
Thanks Sarah.

Transition Exmouth
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The District Council can only do so much:
Futures Forum: District Council and plastic pollution >>> Sending plastic to the correct reprocessor: a follow-up FOI request >>> "Information not held"

And we've got a problem with plastic bags:
Futures Forum: Plastic bags or paper bags
Futures Forum: Plastic bags: "The public want to recycle, but local authorities are failing to do their bit by making it possible."

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