Saturday, 4 May 2019

BREAKING NEWS: Sidmouth shake-up

There has been a huge shake-up in East Devon:
Futures Forum: BREAKING NEWS: "Bad day" for the Tories as Independents in East Devon gain an overall majority of two
Futures Forum: District Council elections: "Independents deliver blow to the Conservatives'" > further reports

A similar 'out with the old' seems to have happened at the Town Council level - with results just in from the Herald, reporting from Exmouth Town Hall.

For Ottery: 

LIVE UPDATES: Election results for East Devon town and parish councils

PUBLISHED: 09:00 04 May 2019
Beth Sharp

Here is a recap of what happened in the Ottery Town Council elections this morning. There was a BIG shake-up after voters took the polls.

ELECTIONS: East Devon town and parish results | Election news | Midweek Herald 

And for Sidmouth: 

LIVE UPDATES: Sidmouth and Ottery town council election results

PUBLISHED: 09:00 04 May 2019
Beth Sharp

Sidmouth Town Council RESULTS:

Deirdre Hounsom (uncontested), Emma Murdoch (uncontested), Jeff Turner (uncontested); 
Sidbury: John Loudoun (uncontested); 
Sidmouth West: Louise Cole (uncontested); 
Salcombe Regis: Ian Barlow (277 votes) , David Barratt (321); 
Sidmouth East: Louise Thompson (166 votes); 
North: Charissa Evans (357 votes), Stuart Hughes (354 votes), Dawn Manley (404 votes), Jenny Ware (358 votes); 
Sidford Village: Jack Brokenshire (209 votes) and Marianne Rixson (328 votes);
South: Denise Bickley (790 votes), Kelvin Dent (914 votes), Christopher Lockyear (552 votes), John Rayson (329 votes) and Paul Wright (448 votes).

Sidmouth Town Council results

Sidmouth (South) – 5 seats
Denise Sarita Bickley - 790 ELECTED
Kelvin Richard Dent - 914 ELECTED
Nicholas James Diprose - 277
Christopher Francis Lockyear - 552 ELECTED
John William Rayson - 329 ELECTED
Paul Alan Wright - 448 ELECTED

Turn Out: 41.7 %
Rejected ballots: 30

Sidmouth (Sidford Village)

Peter Blackmore - 140
Jack Brokenshire - 209 ELECTED
Ian Mckenzie-Edwards - 126
Colin Mills - 56
Marianne Rixson - 328 ELECTED

Turn Out: 38.84%
Rejected ballots: 0

Sidmouth (North)

Charissa Jane Evans - 357 ELECTED
Stuart Hughes - 354 ELECTED
Sheila Kerridge - 164
Dawn Manley - 404 ELECTED
Andie Milne - 308
Jenny Ware - 358 ELECTED
Edward Fleming - 132

Turnout: 28.21%
Rejected ballots: 10

Sidmouth (East) – 1 seat

Marc Kilsbie - 115
Louise Thompson - 166 ELECTED

Turnout: 35%
Rejected ballots: 24

Sidmouth Salcombe Regis

Ian Barlow - 277 ELECTED
David Barratt - 321 ELECTED
Cathy Gardner - 235

Turnout: 46.7 %
Rejected ballots: 5

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