Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Calling on the government to produce a Rural Strategy

There has been a Lords report on coastal towns:
Futures Forum: Regenerating Seaside Towns > parliamentary committee report: they need to "reinvent themselves with a long-term, place-based vision."
Futures Forum: Regenerating Seaside Towns: parliamentary committee calls for evidence > Vision Group submits report

We now have a Lords report on the rural economy - after lobbying for a rural strategy by the likes of the Rural Services Network:
Futures Forum: "Rural inequality is not just a matter for rural dwellers."
Futures Forum: How prevalent is income inequality in rural areas?
Futures Forum: Council tax rises are "the highest in rural areas"
Futures Forum: Keeping bank branches open alleviates financial exclusion

The RSN have been pushing in particular for a 'rural strategy':
Futures Forum: It's time for a Rural Strategy > conference Friday 8th March

Here's their latest piece:


The Lords Rural Economy report, published on Saturday, was covered in a range of publications, including: ITV, ISP Review, Christian Today and Farming UK.
The report echoes RSN’s call for a comprehensive rural strategy, as argued for by chief executive Graham Biggs in an article published in The MJ today. 
It recommends that the Government rethinks and reforms the rural proofing process to ensure that relevant policies and legislation are attuned to the needs of rural communities and rural economies.
Lord Foster of Bath, chair of the Committee, commented:
‘Rural communities and the economies in them have been ignored and underrated for too long. We must act now to reverse this trend, but we can no longer allow the clear inequalities between the urban and rural to continue unchecked. A rural strategy would address challenges and realise potential in struggling and under-performing areas, and allow vibrant and thriving areas to develop further. Doing nothing is not an option.’
Full articles:
We call on Government to produce a Rural Strategy to set out their priorities for Englands Rural Communities and the Rural Economy for the future and we ask you to support this call.

Lords Rural Economy report backs rural strategy calls - Rural Services Network
RSN response to the House of Lords Select Committee on the Rural Economy - Rural Services Network

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