Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Cycling and the Sidmouth Science Festival

Here are reports back from events held during the cycling week:
Futures Forum: The physiology of cycling: Sidmouth Science Festival @ Tour of Britain: Weds 18th Sept
Futures Forum: The art and science of riding a bike: Cafe Scientifique @ Tour of Britain: Tues 17th Sept

Tour of Britain Events from Sidmouth Science Festival

CHERC at Tour of Britain event Sep 2013
The Science Festival team arranged two supporting events during the week that the Tour of Britain set of from Sidmouth

The regular monthly Café Scientifique had a cycling theme when Dr Andrew Middlebrooke from Exercise Science Consulting Ltd talked about what technologies cyclists today could use to improve their performances all of which are readily available to the amateur. Once the floor was open to discussion topics such as diet and general health, how the top cyclists differ from the rest of us etc were discussed.

The second event took place in the Market Square where in conjuction with the Chamber of Commerce, CHERC (Children’s Health and Exercise Research Centre) from the University of Exeter showed how they measure cyclists’ performance on a cycle machine, measuring oxygen levels and power output etc.
There was also an opportunity to cycle a 250m route on a turbo trainer as quickly as possible where times were recorded. 

Similar activities will be demonstrated at the Science  Festival on Saturday 19th October. 
CHERC will be in the Methodist Hall.

Vision Group for Sidmouth - Tour of Britain Events from Sidmouth Science Festival

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