Saturday 15 February 2014

The true cause of climate change...

For a moment of light relief - or profound insight - an entry from Uncylopedia, 'an encyclopedia full of misinformation and utter lies'...

Changing the Coastline

Today, the elements have taken over the task of reshaping the coastline - almost every week there are small falls of sandstone and rock from the cliff face east of the river mouth and occasionally a very large fall will totally change the look of the cliffs often depositing thousands of tonns of rubble onto the beach. After a few high tides, most of the rubble is washed away and the visitor to Sidmouth (or old person on a recce) is blissfully ignorant of the dangers and will go walking under the unstable cliffs often accompanied by their young children. Owners of properties at the cliff tops have recently flooded the online marketing sites with lawn mowers and such like as they lose yard after yard of garden to the beach. People in the know say the climate changes are directly proportional to the volume of hot air that emanates from the town council chambers every month.


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