Wednesday 2 December 2015

Gaswork: the fracking film >>> showing in Lyme Regis >>> Saturday 5th December

Where to go with fracking?
Futures Forum: Fracking... and the strange death of Localism?
Futures Forum: Fracking and declining profitability
Futures Forum: Fracking: kick-starting the shale gas revolution when local planners prove obstructive
Futures Forum: Peak coal > peak shale oil > peak gas >>> peak fossil fuels

A very controversial documentary has just come out on the subject:

“GASWORK” film: FRACKING's Killing many Workers! Josh Fox - Chris Hayes - YouTube

Gaswork - A New Film By Josh Fox
Gasland 2: A film by Josh Fox - NOW on HBO
What the Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know About Fracking | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

In fact, the film is so controversial, that an 'anti-Gaswork' film has been put out to counter its arguments:
"Gaswork": Josh Fox’s Latest Film Called a Hoax
gashoax | gasland | gaswork | fracking dangers | documentary
Another Health Hoax from Gasland's Josh Fox - Breitbart
Phelim McAleer to Release GasHoax Ahead of Josh Fox’s GASWORK | Marcellus Drilling News

Here is a note from Tracey Green of the transition town organisation Turn Lyme Regis Green which will be showing the original film this Saturday:

GASWORK – Saturday 5th December, 7 for 7.30pm, Woodmead Halls

The chance to see GASWORK, a documentary about the practice of fracking, is coming up this Saturday. An opportunity to learn more and join the debate. There is no charge to see the film; donations towards the cost of the evening and refreshments would be welcomed. So please spread the word and bring friends along. Tracey West has written the following note about the evening.

from Tracey……

“ Dear Turn Lyme Green Friends,

Hope this finds you well. I just wanted to drop you a short note to explain why I felt motivated to organise it in the first place.

In case you're not familiar with the film, it's a punchy little documentary that explores many facets of the practice of fracking. It was created by Josh Fox and follows Charlotte Bevins as she fi­ghts for CJ’s Law, a bill to protect workers named after her brother CJ Bevins, who died on an unsafe drilling site.

Josh investigates worker safety and chemical risk, interviewing many workers who have been asked to clean drill sites, transport radioactive and carcinogenic chemicals, steam clean the inside of condensate tanks which contain harmful volatile organic compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and other chemicals and have been told to do so with no safety equipment.

It explores a very dark side of this volatile industry and when I watched it, I felt a wave of helplessness flood through me, which was swiftly followed by a rush of optimism. Education and people power holds the key to great change and I have faith that GASWORK could be part of the solution.

I'm no superwoman, I'm a mum, I run a small business here in Lyme and I consider myself to be a regular everyday gal who likes to lean towards the green. I do my level best to keep a finger on the pulse of what's happening on the environmental scene, but like many of you, I'm busy getting on with the things that do such a great job of occupying our time; work, family and life!

I sincerely hope you'll be able to add the free screening of GASWORK to your calendar and that you'll join us in Woodmead Halls, Lyme Regis at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. I hope to kick off a bit of a discussion after the film - we'll be serving organic refreshments for a donation.

Finally, huge thanks to the team at Turn Lyme Green for sponsoring and helping to promote the event - I hope to see you there and please, feel free to bring friends! ”

Tracey West

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