Saturday, 11 May 2019

Climate change: Are proposals to repair the climate offering "scalable technological fixes" or "climate despair"?

Should we be trying to 'fix' the climate?
Futures Forum: Climate change: the 'Big Fix': geoengineering solutions
Futures Forum: The techno-fix ... Can we engineer our way out of environmental catastrophe?

Especially with the idea of 'CCS'?
Futures Forum: Carbon capture > technological fix or false hope?
Futures Forum: Climate change and carbon capture: turning air into fuel by extracting CO2
Futures Forum: Climate change: will Carbon Capture and Storage be the techno-fix to 'unlock' unburnable fossil fuels?

Or not?
Futures Forum: Climate change >>> Engineering the climate >>> 'As a technology of last resort, carbon removal is paradoxical. It may be impossible to manage and it may also be impossible to manage without.'
Futures Forum: Climate change: and geoengineering >>> "Climate Intervention Is Not a Replacement for Reducing Carbon Emissions"

Cambridge University has just set up its Centre For Climate Repair to consider the options:
Cambridge Centre for Climate Science

And they are looking at "scalable technological fixes" - as reported in the wider media:
Cambridge University sets up technology centre to tackle climate change - i news
Cambridge scientists are building a new research centre to develop radical ways to ‘save the Earth’ | Daily Mail Online
Climate change: Scientists test radical ways to fix Earth's climate - BBC News

Here's Sky News:

The tech media is of course very interested:

Scalable, low-cost technologies needed to repair climate, Cambridge professor suggests

Natasha Lomas@riptari / 1 day ago

Cambridge University has proposed setting up a research center tasked with coming up with scalable technological fixes for climate change.

The proposed Center for Climate Repair is being coordinated by David King, an emeritus professor in physical chemistry at the university and also the U.K. government’s former chief scientific adviser.
Speaking to the BBC this morning, King suggested the scale of the challenge now facing humanity to end greenhouse gas emissions is so pressing that radical options need to be considered and developed alongside efforts to shift societies to carbon neutral and shrink day to day emissions.

“What we do over the next 10 years will determine the future of humanity for the next 10,000 years. There is no major centre in the world that would be focused on this one big issue,” he told BBC News.

In an interview on the BBC Radio 4’s “Today” program, King said the center would need to focus on scalable, low-cost technologies that could be deployed to move the needle on the climate challenge.

Suggested ideas it could work to develop include geoengineering initiatives, such as spraying sea water into the air at the north and south poles to reflect sunlight away and refreeze them; using fertilizer to regreen portions of the deep ocean to promote plankton growth; and carbon capture and storage methods to suck up and sequester greenhouse gases so they can’t contribute to accelerating global warming.

Scalable, low-cost technologies needed to repair climate, Cambridge professor suggests | TechCrunch

Environmentalists are not so keen:
Welcome to the Centre For Climate Despair

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