which form part of the campaign by sidmouthdrillhall | Save Sidmouth Drill Hall Campaign to refurbish the old Drill Hall currently lying vacant on the seafront at Port Royal:


What exactly should be 'done' about the Drill Hall has been highly contentious.
First, the District Council planned to replace the building with a 'boat park':
EDDC budget £48k to demolish Sidmouth’s drill hall - News - Sidmouth Herald
Then the Conservation Officer "asked for evidence to demonstrate that alternative uses have been sought and suitably dismissed":
Drill Hall demolition ‘unacceptable’ - News - Sidmouth Herald
Meanwhile, a campaign was being lauched to 'save the Drill Hall':
Bid to save ‘iconic’ Sidmouth seafront building - News - Sidmouth Herald
And the District Council allowed a stay of execution:
Shock change of plan for Drill Hall - News - Sidmouth Herald

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