I've just seen the pictures on the Herald but none of them show the full stretch of the beach so they are difficult to compare.
I couldn't get to the meeting last night and so would really like to see full images, does anyone know if they are available online?
Yes there will also be a further reef option and they should be on East Devon website early next week.
Suggest everyone that attended the public consultation takes the time and looks at the other option to the reef scheme
Hi Mary
To echo what Stuart has said, do watch out for an additional option that was not part of the public consultation this week.
If you want to drop me an email I can let you know when it is on the EDDC BMP site.
Hi Mary
The additional option has now been added to Option 4 of the BMP on the EDDC BMP website at http://eastdevon.gov.uk/media/1784952/a1-panel-7a-draft.pdf
Please do get your thoughts in on all and preferred option(s) by 4th July.
v best
On Wednesday 15th June 2016, we held a public consultation to inform the public of the Sidmouth Beach Management Plan shortlisted options and to hear your feedback and comments.
The information from the consultation is now available:
Senior local authority leaders have warned devolution deals must not be overshadowed following the vote to leave the EU last week. Kate Kennally, chief executive of Cornwall Council, said she was concerned areas currently trying to secure devolution deals are doing so for the wrong reasons. She said: “Now I’m watching how different devolution deals are coming and going I am nervous that places are trying to create something just to land a deal without a sense of place or purpose, and that is essentially problematic.” East Anglia recently agreed a devolution deal with the government but weeks later the deal fell apart and the four councils involved have now created two separate deals. Post-Brexit devolution: an end to the “gift from Whitehall” model? | East Devon Watch The debate reflects the "Town vs Country" divisions from the referendum: What Brexit means for English devolution
Jo Casebourne28 June 2016 Unlike the rest of England, the majority of the core cities in England voted Remain in the EU referendum. The result leaves three critical questions for English devolution: what will happen to the devolution deals process under a new Conservative Prime Minister and Chancellor; will cities be given a voice in the negotiation; and will government replace the funding for cities and disadvantaged rural areas that currently comes from the EU? Devolution concerns amid Brexit turmoil | News | Inside Housing Devolution will no longer be a 'gift from Whitehall': Brexit: a turning point for devolution
The UK-wide vote to leave the European Union could usher in a moment of genuine constitutional change
Last week’s referendum was a turning point for the devolution agenda. Just as Scotland’s near miss on independence sparked the current round of devolution deals, so the decision to Brexit could spark a new wave of demands for change: and this time, the calls for more local and regional autonomy are likely to be sharper and angrier.
Commentators are rushing to point out that an out-of-touch London elite has not listened to the cries of pain from suffering regional towns and cities. Any plan to address the underlying reasons for the Brexit vote must start by recognising that the British model of economic development is not working for most people. While the capital and wider south east have boomed, regional centres like Birmingham have fallen catastrophically behind. The idea that our economic model can be fixed by the national elite that broke it in the first place seems fanciful. Politically, it will be hard to ignore the need for economic reform.
The need to fix regional economies will be compounded by the deep social divisions that the referendum has painfully exposed. Look at the map of the Brexit vote and London sticks out like a sore thumb; an island of Remainers in a sea of Brexit. Some will say that the capital’s sense of anger and grievance is due payback for decades of ignoring the rest of the country. This attitude will hardly reduce the emotional shock that many Londoners currently feel, an experience that will be replicated in cities like Bristol, Cambridge, Liverpool and parts of Manchester. At the same time, the shires are clearly on manoeuvres to ensure that they translate their political power within the Conservative Party into a more generous approach to devolution to counties, ideally without the troublesome requirement for a mayor.
There are two ways to make devolution happen. For the past few years we have been following what might be termed the Whitehall gift model. Local leaders negotiate with George Osborne and, if he likes what he hears, he passes them down a package of new powers. It is a model that is unlikely to work very effectively in a post-referendum world. Mr Osborne is arguably already a lame duck chancellor. Parliament and the civil service face years of Brexit-related legislative congestion. Why would devolution deals be high on their agenda?
If we stick with the gift model, then devolution will stall. Greater Manchester might have enough momentum to carry on, but places like Merseyside and the West Midlands may find themselves struggling to win more powers. The counties may find it even harder to make progress, especially if they remain mired in complex debates about local government reorganisation.
But Scotland did not win its devolved settlement by waiting for Westminster’s beneficence. Its political class mobilised the voters and civil society to forge a consensus for change, before steadily campaigning to make it happen. The SNP went even further, demanding the right to declare independence unilaterally though their referendum last year. The decision to leave has unleashed a sense of grievance across the country that will be hard to put back in the bottle. Local leaders have an opportunity to channel that feeling in the direction of greater local autonomy. The difficult truth is that leaving the EU will not in itself do much to address grievances rooted in two generations of de-industrialisation, especially if the process of leaving brings a recession with it. Parliament may be preoccupied with Brexit, but the country as a whole will be worried about jobs.
The time for gifts may be over, but the moment for building a genuine movement for constitutional change might just be arriving.
Posters around town say, 'You are invited to vote to select the winner of the competition. A judging panel of experts and local people have whittled down the entries to a shortlist of 5, but the final choice is yours.' The five finalists are all very different, and some with a definite the Wow factor! They're on display in Kennaway House, in the first room on the right at the top of the stairs to main entrance). .It's open Mon-Fri 10h00-4.30pm and sometimes at weekends too). Simply pick your favourite (they're numbered 1 to 5) , and cast your vote in the box provided, BY TUESDAY JULY 12th 2016.
Remains to be seen, RS. Opens up the possiblities. Developers watch these things, so who knows? Strongly recommend people to pop in to Kennaway House and have a look. As EDDC and the Town Council said, it could be "part of the mix" , so do cast a vote while you're there.
Ummm..................if I don't get the result I voted for can I ask for a second Vote to be taken?....................or subsequent Re-votes until I get the result I want.
Flippancy aside I will look and I will vote (and accept the result)
Seeing as the development boundary for this competition covers a vast area outside that in public ownership, you had better tell all those people living to the east of the river and much of Ham lane their homes might be demolished then! I'll certainly be voting for a bit of fun.
it would be good to see the NP questionnaire being promoted alongside the competition by all those involved. The Neighbourhood Plan will have genuine statutory powers that the community will be able to use to decide on future developments in the town.
Can a neighbourhood plan stop development from happening in the area?
No – a neighbourhood plan can guide development to be more appropriate to local context and help decide where it goes within the area. A neighbourhood plan cannot stop development and government has made it clear that it is not a tool for residents to oppose proposals for new developments close to them. A neighbourhood plan can only include proposals for an equal (or greater) amount of growth than is set out in the Council’s development plan, regional and national guidance.
Yes and no. A Neighbourhood Plan can not override a Local Plan in terms of what might be set out in an adopted Local Plan - e.g. 50 houses at Knowle - but it can predetermine development within a town if it does not directly conflict with the Local Plan.
The statutory element comes in once the NP is approved and adopted. If the local community and council accept and adopt a Neighbourhood Plan then developments in the area will need to conform to it and be judged by it.
So, if in this instance an architectural competition has been set up for Eastern Town then if the objectives of that plan align with the approved objectives of the Neighbourhood Plan then (putting the issue of land ownership within the footprint of the competition to one side for the moment) they have a much greater chance of attracting the right developers. Which potentially can only be a good thing for the town. But the development can not override what is in the Local Plan and must conform to that as a priority.
Suggest everyone that attended the public consultation takes the time and looks at the other option to the reef scheme
To echo what Stuart has said, do watch out for an additional option that was not part of the public consultation this week.
If you want to drop me an email I can let you know when it is on the EDDC BMP site.
The additional option has now been added to Option 4 of the BMP on the EDDC BMP website at http://eastdevon.gov.uk/media/1784952/a1-panel-7a-draft.pdf
Please do get your thoughts in on all and preferred option(s) by 4th July.
v best