Futures Forum: "Going green is good for business" > Turn Lyme Green event > Tuesday 13th March
Here's a report from their latest newsletter:
This was the
message given at a packed meeting at the Baptist Church’s Driftwood Café two
weeks ago. It was so inspiring to hear first hand from business owners who have
chosen not to use single use plastics and all about their efforts to promote
recycling and energy saving, efforts rewarded by support from their
customers. We received good press coverage from Lyme
Online and in this week’s Bridport News.
Last night – the 28th – the
Town Council has endorsed the campaign for Lyme Regis to become a Plastic Free
Town. Lyme Regis is on the way to joining over 120 other communities around
the country pledging to tackle plastic pollution. And next week, we are hoping
that the Town Council will continue to show its support by approving our
application for a grant to fund activities over the coming year.
A Steering Group is being set up and
an ‘army’ of supporters mobilised to help get the message out to our businesses,
schools, local organisations and churches so that we can work together to
publicise the ways our community can benefit and contribute at home, at work and
on the seafront. There will be a number of local events which Plastic Free Lyme
Regis will support and get involved in during the spring and summer.. from the
Fete, Anning Road to the Carnival Procession to an art installation in the
Shelters in June.
CLEAN – Monday, 2nd April – 2pm
Sea Shepherds are organising a beach
clean on Easter Monday, so do go along and join in. The poster below has
details. Go to Facebook, SSUK Lyme Regis Beach Clean for more
DORSET BEACH CLEAN – Saturday 21st April
Another date for your diaries. Meet
at the RNLI station. 1.45 for briefing for the 2-3pm beach clean. Organised by
Love Lyme’s Beaches.
TURN LYME GREEN Meeting: Tuesday,
10th April Royal Lion Hotel, Blue Room, Broad Street. 7.15 for
A date for your diary. The AGM will
be held for to include a report on the past year’s activities, to receive a
financial report and to elect TLG’s officers. Currently, Jo Smith Oliver is
Chair; Chris Boothroyd is Treasurer and Polly Benfield is Secretary. All
supporters are encouraged to come for this roundup of past events and
importantly to look to the future. There will also be an update on ‘Plastic
Free Lyme Regis’.
A fortnight packed with events and
activities. Have a look at the programme.
Turn Lyme Green will have a stand at the opening on Saturday, 14th
April at the Town Hall featuring Liz Davis’s practical muslin fruit and veggie
bags. We will have a stall again in BuckyDoo Square, Wednesday morning,
25th April from 10.00am, again promoting ways reducing our use of
plastics – Reduce, Reuse, Refill and Recycle.
38 degrees. Plastic Straws in Cinemas
Here’s one you might like to
support…. Make
Plastic Straws Obsolete in Cinemas
FORGET – Recyling Container at Holmbush
Carpark for coffee cups and beverage cartons
And for
other beverage cartons widely used to
package milk, fruit juice and an increasingly wide range of food products,
including soup, chopped tomatoes and pulses.
Waste Partnership has placed a new container in Holmbush Carpark, alongside
one for textiles and one for aluminium foil. Curb side recycling is not
available at the moment for coffee cups or food and drink cartons but by taking
them to Holmbush, we can do our bit for recycling and make a dent in the huge
number of paper coffee cups with plastic lining that need to be recycled
separately from paper collections . Take away coffee cups can also be taken
Costa where they are
stored and taken regularly to Costa’s own recycling centre for cups. You can
take in cups from other cafes/shops are well as any purchased from
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