A very touching portrait of a man and of a town - which carries clear messages for the future of Sidmouth. Is this 'a warning of how Sidmouth has been sleep walking in the same direction?'
Paintings of Bury by Joe
Produced by Graham Cooper
my father Joseph Cooper began to paint local scenes over forty years ago, the
townscape of Bury Lancashire has dramatically altered. Starting in the late
Sixties he practised as a self-taught artist until the mid Eighties when his
age began to catch up with him. Spread over a period of 15 years he produced
over fifty paintings of local landmarks and locations. In 1977 we held a joint
exhibition at the Bury Art Gallery following which his paintings were dispersed
to various acquaintances and collectors. After he retired from his artistic
endeavours, the family held on to the remainder of his output until after his
death in 2001. Recognising his work had a certain heritage status as a personal
perspective of the old town as it used to be; in 2009 we offered the surviving
collection to the Bury Art Museum. Fortunately the chief curator Richard Burns
appreciated their value as a potential historic record capturing the scenery of
the post-war period. This year the family was delighted to see Joe’s pictures
in the BBC national digital archive “Your Paintings” and in response this
publication has been prepared.
Towler Public House, Bury
receiving the donation Richard Burns perceptively observed “they have clearly
been painted by someone who knew the town well. It is a sad fact that many of
the buildings he has painted have now gone. The town has changed since the
1970s and continues to do so. The changes seem particularly rapid now, because
the new development on The Rock is so far advanced. This makes it more
important than ever that we have a record of what Bury was once like.”
Shockingly over the period the town has lost over sixty public houses, seven
picture palaces and countless local shops so important to the social matrix of
the community.
Old Duke Inn Public House, Bury
Town offers a snapshot of Bury at the threshold of change from a manufacturing
base to a service economy. Following the decline of the textile industry
“worktown” had to be radically reinvented and this transformation continues
today. Retail
sheds now dominate while industrial compounds and builder’s yards occupy the
fringes. The shopping malls, multiple car parks and M66 motorway allow
customers from far afield to purchase their merchandise with as little
inconvenience as possible. As modern urban design has privileged the motorist
the access roads are widened and the town is experienced at an increased rate from
the isolation of passing vehicles.
A limited edition produced in
2013 by Harmonie Press.
It is an A5
booklet of 56 pages with full colour illustrations
To Order: £10 sterling incl UK post per copy.
Orders to G Cooper Harmonie
Peak Hill Road Sidmouth Devon EX10 0NW
How much has Sidmouth also lost - without it actually being realised?
How much of Sidmouth's identities have been lost - social, individual, professional, topographical...?

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