Futures Forum: Economics @ Transition Exeter: an active working group
Economics | Transition Exeter
One particular project is to introduce a local currency:
Futures Forum: An Exeter Pound?
The group is now advertising for a part-time post to help launch the Exeter Pound next year:
Part-time Project Worker for Exeter Pound
The Exeter Pound is a project initiated by Transition Exeter, a community group promoting a sustainable and resilient society, and is in the process of becoming a Community Interest Company (CIC). The project aims to launch a local currency to support local businesses, helping individuals to discriminate and patronize Exeter area traders, and to keep money circulating in the local area thus promoting a more sustainable and resilient economy.
The project worker post involves working with the steering group and Directors of the Exeter Pound on the following tasks
- Preparations for the launch of an Exeter local currency in September 2015;
- Attending and administering the steering group for the Exeter Pound project;
- Helping to create and produce publicity materials, contribute to social media campaign, and depending on skills, create web-based resources.
- Community engagement, publicizing the concept of local currencies and the Exeter Pound project, attending meetings of community organizations and other events, and helping to organize promotional events;
- Marketing the project to local traders, and liaising with traders and individual potential account holders
- Contributing to fundraising
Training will be given in these tasks as needed, and the project worker will be participating in training days provided by the Bristol Pound project.
Part-time Project Worker for Exeter Pound | Transition Exeter
Here is the new Exeter Pound website:
Exeter Pound
And it's been getting some attention in the local press:
Local Currency For Businesses - An Exeter Pound?
Plans for an Exeter Pound to be unveiled in the city
By Exeter Express and Echo | Posted: September 15, 2014

The Totnes pound in action. Plans are being unveiled for an Exeter pound
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Plans for a local currency, the Exeter Pound, will be unveiled at a meeting in the city next week.
According to organisers, the Exeter Pound will be a complimentary currency, designed to work alongside sterling, not replace it. It will aim to focus more spending in the strong networks of independent producers, retailers and service providers in Exeter.
By being a currency that can only be used in local businesses, the Exeter Pound will the public make a choice to support the local economy and community. Local businesses will be invited to use the Exeter Pound to promote a joined up, vibrant local economy and keeping spending power in the area.
The launch event starts at the BikeShed Theatre, on Wednesday, September 24 at 5.30pm. There will be an opportunity to meet the Exeter Pound team with free nibbles in the bar.
At 6pm the illustrated presentation by Martyn Goss, Director of Church and Society, and Victoria Hatfield, of Exeter City Council and will be followed by questions and discussion.
The steering group, set up by Transition Exeter in 2013, has researched local currencies in Bristol, Brixton, Totnes and elsewhere, and with support from Exeter City Council is working to set up a scheme in Exeter. It is hoped the local currency will launch in autumn 2015.
The Exeter Pound will be backed one for one by sterling and will be available from service points throughout the city. It will be a paper and electronic currency with payment by text and the possibility of internet banking.
Pete Ashton, FSB National Policy Vice Chair, said: “It’s great to see Exeter pushing the boundaries and thinking outside the box on ways to help and support local independent businesses. The FSB is delighted to be involved in this exciting new venture and wish it every success.”
Plans for an Exeter Pound to be unveiled in the city | Exeter Express and Echo
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