Otter Valley Association has a new website | East Devon Alliance
Welcome | Otter Valley Association
This coming Sunday, the Association will be formally launching its heritage project:

The Heritage walk around Otterton on Sunday 14 September, part of the National Heritage Open Day Scheme, marks the official launch of the OVA Local Heritage Asset List project.
This project has been devised under the guidance of EDDC and has the blessing of the Town and Parish councils. Here are links to information on the walk and on the Hertitage Asset List project.
Walk Sunday 14 September launches Heritage project | Otter Valley Association
Besides the walk
Sunday 14 September - 11am Heritage WALK around Otterton | Otter Valley Association
... the OVA will be asking people to nominate 'local heritage assets':
Heritage Asset List
What makes the Lower Otter Valley special?
What would you miss if it disappeared tomorrow?
What makes the Lower Otter Valley special?
What would you miss if it disappeared tomorrow?
The OVA is embarking on an exciting new project, looking at our rich and diverse local heritage. We are working in partnership with Devon’s Historic Environment Team, East Devon District Council, the Fairlynch Museum and the Parish Councils to identify and list heritage assets of local significance in the Lower Otter Valley. We are also seeking partners and volunteers to help with this work.
Do you have a building or feature in the historic environment, not already protected by Nataional Listing (see below), that has a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions?
Now is your chance to nominate your best loved or iconic features

1. Cultural landscapes
2. Related to social history
3. Patterns of settlement
4. Parks & Gardens
5. Village greens
6. Landmarks of community value
7. Interesting items such as street furniture
2. Related to social history
3. Patterns of settlement
4. Parks & Gardens
5. Village greens
6. Landmarks of community value
7. Interesting items such as street furniture
Examples are:
1. Post boxes
2. War memorials
3. Signs
4. Cobbled pathways
5. Granite pillars
6. Memorials
7. Statues
8. Cob or pebble walls
2. War memorials
3. Signs
4. Cobbled pathways
5. Granite pillars
6. Memorials
7. Statues
8. Cob or pebble walls
The Otter Valley Association is working with Local Authorities, Parish and Town Councils, local communities and schools to identify a proposed list of Local Heritage Assets. These include the Parishes of: Newton Poppleford & Harpford, Colaton Raleigh, East Budleigh, Otterton and Budleigh Salterton. Half of all local authorities in the country already have agreed lists in place as encouraged by Central Government.
East Devon District Council (EDDC) is committed to this in its new Local Plan. Anything accepted by EDDC for local listing does not gain additional protection from demolition or alteration BUT has to be taken into account in any subsequent planning applications.
Now is your chance to nominate:
Well loved places
Agricultural buildings
Arts and Crafts houses
Buildings rejected by English Heritage for listing
Former Grade III listed buildings
WWII structures
Railway remnants
Water management features
Agricultural buildings
Arts and Crafts houses
Buildings rejected by English Heritage for listing
Former Grade III listed buildings
WWII structures
Railway remnants
Water management features
The choice is yours – ask your family, friends. Walk around your neighbourhood.
What are the CRITERIA?
To give a better idea of the criteria click here
The OVA and Volunteer team will research the nominations, gather information and may contact you for further clarification. The OVA panel will make an initial assessment against the criteria and using community feedback. There will be an exhibition of preliminary nominations in early 2015 with a final exhibition and community consultation in the Spring.
We plan to submit the proposed list to East Devon District Council after this with an anticipated Publication date of September 2015.
Check that your nomination is not already listed by looking at the list of Nationally Grade I & II listed buildings and structures (walls ect.) for each Parish
Heritage Asset List | Otter Valley Association
The project appeared in last week's Exmouth Journal: do go along and join in:
Survey to find the best of the Otter Valley
Sean Keywood Thursday, September 4, 2014
People who live in the lower Otter Valley are being asked to name its best features, to help protect them from development.
The Otter Valley Association (OVA) is launching a local heritage asset project, asking people what things they might miss if they were to disappear tomorrow. Potential suggestions might include historic or iconic buildings, but also valued landscapes, parks and gardens, interesting pieces of street furniture and local landmarks.
The OVA has teamed up with East Devon District Council (EDDC) for the project. The list of nominations will be approved by EDDC conservation officer Stephen Guy, and once agreed will be taken into account when the council debates planning applications.
OVA committee member for planning Nicola Daniel said: “Half the local authorities in the country are using local heritage asset projects as added local information in the planning process. Anything accepted by EDDC for local listing does not gain additional protection from demolition or alteration, but has to be taken into account in any subsequent planning applications. Hence there will, at last, be a local input in the planning process in this part of East Devon.”
The area covered by the project includes the parishes of Budleigh Salterton, East Budleigh, Otterton, Colaton Raleigh, and Newton Poppleford and Harpford, with parish councils having given approval.
The project will be officially launched with a heritage walk around Otterton on September 14 at 11am, after which nomination forms will be available.
The closing date for nominations is November 30.
When the OVA has received nominations, it will assess them, using criteria including age, rarity and aesthetic value, and carry out further research. It will then be carrying out a community consultation in spring next year. The final publication date for the list is anticipated to be next September.
Survey to find the best of the Otter Valley - News - Exmouth Journal
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