Repair Café Blackdown Hills – Cullompton – Repair Café (EN)
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One of them is celebrating:
Repair cafe marks sixth months of fixing Devon's broken items
They've mended or attempted to mend around 125 items ranging from vacuum cleaners to garden tools
Lewis Clarke
4 SEP 2018

A repair café which aims to stop people throwing broken items away has celebrated its sixth month.
Organisers of the Blackdown Hills Repair Café say that after three events the band of volunteer repairers, which now exceeds 25, have mended or attempted to mend around 125 items ranging from vacuum cleaners to garden tools, bird tables to bicycles, clothes to antique furniture and computers to precious ceramics.
Around 75 per cent of items have been given a new lease of life.
Repair cafe is the right fix for Blackdown Hills villagers
Trisha Comrie from the repair café said that this not only saves people money in not having to buy new but also prevents many otherwise viable items ending up in landfill.
She said: “Some people have asked why the Repair Cafes have, to date, only been held in Hemyock. The answer is simple – because most of the repair volunteers come from that village or close by.
“As one of the main objectives of a Repair Café is to foster community friendships and cooperation, we would encourage other Parishes around the Blackdowns who might be thinking about holding a Repair Café in their area to start sounding out possible local repair volunteers as a basis for a pilot Café.
“Meanwhile, one of our computer repairers has set up an online forum, Repair Café Central, to provide a central location for conversations and sharing ideas in the UK repair cafe community. It can be used by anyone to post hints and tips, experiences and ideas which will help new cafes to get started and existing cafes to develop and try new things. You can sign up for an account free by visiting
From toasters to bike wheels, get everything fixed with a new repair cafe
“The next Repair Café is at Hemyock Parish Hall on Saturday September 22 from 10am to noon, where we hope to have a full range of repairers, so dig out those items that have been gathering dust but which you can’t bring yourself to throw away and come and see if they can be mended. All information from or 01823 602908. Or find us on Facebook: RepairCafeBlackdowns.”
Repair cafe marks sixth months of fixing Devon's broken items - Devon Live
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