East Devon District Council
Local Plan

Just click on any of the entries for no. 1967: this is from the third entry:
East Devon Local Plan – Publication
Stage Representation Form
Submitted by Joseph Marchant on
behalf of Fords of Sidmouth
Continuation Sheet Ref point R.6.132
and R.6.138
The company is keen to encourage the
development of youth training in skilled trades. To do so it provides apprenticeship
opportunities and wishes to expand this commitment. Fords provides an employment type which they believe
supports home ownership through a good living wage (in excess of 80% of current
staff owning their own home). Fords
recognises that Sidmouth has a high reliance on tourism, retail, hospitality
and elderly healthcare, and its services support many of these sectors. Despite
Fords’ acknowledgement that these other services and employment types are
invaluable, to sustain the existing employment economy and create a better and
more robust economy, they need improved
employment accommodation and the draft Local Plan should assist in offering a deliverable,
practical and planned solution to meet this need.
The Design and Access Statement is the fifth click at no. 1967 http://www.eastdevon.gov.uk/1967-fordscontextlogic-josephmarchant-6_133ddesignandaccessstatement.pdf
Fords’ vision for their new premises:
The conference and meeting space will hopefully prove especially beneficial to those business taking up the smaller units on the business park and will enable new businesses to operate from small, efficient and cost effective units. Inspiration for units of this nature has been obtained from other locations. Pathfields at South Molton, delivered by Mid Devon District Council, is one such example which has been reviewed in some detail and which may influence the application that is planned to come forward as part of the detailed application process.
15 Pathfields, South Molton. Business Support Centre:
Business Support. An illustrative vision for a Business Development Centre
The future detailed applications will seek to create a business park with the highest regard given to design, energy efficiency, safety and security and will look to support a vibrant economy for Sidford and Sidmouth.
The Flood Risk Assessment, the next entry at no. 1967 http://www.eastdevon.gov.uk/1967-fordscontextlogic-josephmarchant 6_133efloodriskassessment.pdf refers to a Sustainable Drainage System (SUDS)
8.7 SUDS
surface water produced by the site will be managed by a combination of infiltration
and attenuation. This is consistent with the sustainability objectives set out in
the planning policy. The subject site’s discharge will not increase runoff from
the site.
8.8 Conclusion
proposals for the site fully address on and off-site flood risk and make fullprovision
for these in accordance with current planning policy (NPPF and local policy)
and the current requirements of the Environment Agency.
The Staff Travel Plan is next http://www.eastdevon.gov.uk/1967-fordscontextlogic-josephmarchant-6_133gtravelplan.pdf
Travel Plan
1.6 The National Planning Policy
Framework states “transport policies have an important role to play in
facilitating sustainable development, and contributing to wider sustainability
and health objectives”. It goes on further to outline that “all developments
should be required to provide a Travel Plan”.
1.7 The key to sustainable
development is not only the physical “hard” measures of on-and off-site infrastructure
but also the “soft” initiatives and mechanisms to support non-car modes of
travel, together with practices and procedures implemented at the outset of
development to encourage minimal car-borne travel.
Together with considerations of transport:
And the final document contains all the basics - and is this blog's entry from 17th May! http://www.eastdevon.gov.uk/1967-fordscontextlogic-josephmarchant-6_133hcommunityinfosheet.pdf
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