Apple pressing event at The Knapp Community Nature Reserve on Saturday 5 October between 10am and 1pm
Sid Vale Association and the East Devon District Council Countryside team, who manage the Knapp Community Nature Reserve, would like to invite everyone along to the orchard (at the southern end of the nature reserve) on Saturday 5 October between 10am and 1pm to help collect and press the apples from the variety of trees growing there.
With East Devon District Council
Sid Vale Association and the East Devon District Council Countryside team, who manage the Knapp Community Nature Reserve, would like to invite everyone along to the orchard (at the southern end of the nature reserve) on Saturday 5 October between 10am and 1pm to help collect and press the apples from the variety of trees growing there.
With East Devon District Council

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A-peel for help with apple harvest

ACCORDING to the Royal Horticultural Society, the weather conditions over the past year have been perfect for this year’s apple crop. The wet autumn of 2012, the following cold spring followed by the high temperatures of the summer we have just enjoyed all add up to large, ripe and tasty fruit.
Sid Vale Association and the East Devon District Council Countryside team, who manage the Knapp Community Nature Reserve, would like to invite everyone along to the orchard (at the southern end of the nature reserve) on Saturday 5 October between 10am and 1pm to help collect and press the apples from the variety of trees growing there.
EDDC Nature Conservation Officer Steve Edmonds encourages people to bring along their own apples as well for pressing; “It’s a great year for apples – bring a bagful of your own, and don’t forget a clean plastic container to take the juice away. Or just come along for a taste of some of ours!”
BBC support
The event is also supported by the BBC ‘Harvest’ project, which aims to inspire the public to find out more about the annual harvest and learn about how our food is harvested and produced. Copies of the BBC leaflet ‘Harvest’ will be available on the day, with information and recipes.
Please note that the Apple Pressing Day coincides with the start of the road closure in Newton Poppleford due to work by South West Water, so anyone coming from that direction should plan their route accordingly.
The orchard can be reached from two entrances to the reserve. The gate on Peaslands Road leads up a steep but short path past the Sid Vale Association’s wild flower meadow. The alternative route from Station Road is a longer but level walk. For more information please contact the Countryside team on 01395 517557 or email
Photo: EDDC Ranger Dave Palmer and Nature Conservation Officer Steve Edmonds demonstrating the Apple Press. Credit Jonathan Mitcham.
East Devon District Council - NewsBBC Things To Do – Introducing our new project ‘Harvest’ - Localfood
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