In last week's Herald alone, there were the following:
Mark's legacy lives on
Friday, September 6 , 2013Herald backs campaign for dementia-friendly town.
A CAMPAIGN to turn Sidmouth into one of East Devon's first 'dementia-friendly' towns - and fulfull the dying wish of the man who stated the project - has been launched.
September is World Alzheimer's Month - and the Herald is backing a drive to ourge ownerrs of shope, pubs, soial clubs, restaurants and all 'customer-facing' facilities to sign up.
The scheme was started by the late Mark Willliams, who tirelessly for better mental health provision for the elderly.
Donkey does wonders for dementia sufferers
Friday, September 6 , 2013A donkey called Willow became a 'silent therapist' last week at the Sid Valley Memory Cafe.
He was led into Twyford House to meet members.
Willow's visit from the Donkey Sanctuary was part of a programme of activities run by the cafe to help stimulate and arrest memory loss.
A truly memorable website
Friday, September 6 , 2013Dementia sufferers have turned their memories into a record of local history through a brand new website.
The Sid Valley Memory Cafe's Moments in Time initiative was one of the first in the UK to receive Heritage Lottery Fund 'All Our Stories' funding - and the bid has come to fruition.
Visit: Old Sidmouth | sidmouthmemories
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Here are some of the issues, campaigns and stories from the last couple of years:
Sidmouth set for 'memory cafe' dementia boost
DEMENTIA sufferers and their carers in Sidmouth will be boosted when the town's first 'memory café' gets officially up and running next Wednesday, May 26.
The Rotary Clubs of Sidmouth and the Sid Valley have teamed up to provide the new scheme in the hope it can help an estimated 120 people, and countless carers in the area, whose lives are affected by the condition.
Memory Cafes, aimed at dementia and memory loss sufferers and their carers, aim to offer a relaxing opportunity for people to meet, share experiences and gather
information to help them and their families.

The memory café, which will run from Twyford House from 2.30pm to 4.30pm on the fourth Wednesday of every month, was launched with a free information day celebration on the Queen's birthday, April 21.
For more information contact café co-ordinator Derek Eagles of the Sid Valley Rotary Club on (01395) 579789 between 9am and 5pm. Anyone without transport can contact the Sidmouth Voluntary Ambulance Service on (01395) 512221.
Sidmouth set for 'memory cafe' dementia boost - News - Sidmouth HeraldSidmouth dementia figures set to rise
Friday, August 19, 2011
Sid Valley Memory Cafe says dementia numbers set to rise to “staggering proportions”
Dementia sufferer numbers in Sidmouth has steadily increased during the year and is set to rise to “staggering proportions,” says Derek Eagles, chairman of the Sid Valley Memory Club, in his annual report.
He recalled that Mr Iain Tulley, chief executive of Devon Partnership NHS Trust, had disclosed there were 551 people in the area suffering the effects of dementia.
Mental Health and Learning Disabilities
Applying the nationally accepted prevalence rates for Dementia to the population in Sidmouth shows that there are an estimated 551 people in the area with Dementia. This gives an overall prevalence rate in the 65 and over population of 8.84%. Sidmouth Profile 2009.pdf
Sidmouth dementia carers have group support
Monday, September 5, 2011
East Devon Altzheimer’s Group runs monthly carers’ meetings in Sidmouth and Honiton
CARERS of dementia sufferers in the Sidmouth area have an important back-up group to turn to.
The Altzheimer’s Society offers support groups for carers at Abbeyfield, Sidmouth, near The Triangle, every third Tuesday of each month, and a similar group in Honiton at the Heathfield Hotel every third Monday of the month, both from 2pm to 4pm.
Run through Rita Myers (01395) 512953, of East Devon Altzheimer’s Group, carers are offered the support of others in the same situation as well as hearing from professional speakers.
Dementia report out soon says Sidmouth chairman
Saturday, February 4, 2012Older peoples working group to report soon on needs of dementia suffers in Sid Valley
THE findings of a working group set up to investigate the needs of dementia sufferers in the Sid Valley, will be reported on later this month.
Mark Williams, chairman of the Older Peoples Mental Health Working Group, said: “The question of the number of dementia suffers and their carers’ needs in the Sidmouth area is a complexes issue dependent on a wide range of clinical, social and financial factors.
Dementia report out soon says Sidmouth chairman - News - Sidmouth HeraldSIDMOUTH IMPLEMENTATION GROUP FOR OLDER PEOPLE
At the November Council meeting it was resolved that Mark Williams would meet
with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Councillor Mrs. Christine Drew and the Town
Clerk to formulate appropriate wording to demonstrate the Town Council’s support
to the Implementation Group.
That Sidmouth Town Council endorses the formation by the Sidmouth OPMH
Implementation Group a Sidmouth dementia action group with the proviso that
its proposals for a dementia friendly community are accepted by the government
sponsored Dementia Action Alliance. Minutes 2012/Mins-STC-031212.pdf
Dementia Action Alliance
New memory clinic at Sidmouth’s Stowford Lodge
Friday, March 9, 2012
A NEW memory clinic is up and running every Friday at Sidmouth’s Stowford Lodge.
It has been based on a model that has been successful in other parts of the county.
Mental health nurse Andrew Moore-Jones, who leads the service, explained: “Early intervention is a key element of the national dementia strategy and, like any other illness, the earlier we are able to diagnose dementia, the more we can do to help people enjoy a good quality of life.
“We have been running the new memory clinic every Friday since the end of last November and we have received very encouraging feedback.
“More than 100 referrals have come into the service from Sidmouth and the wider East Devon area.”
Meeting the challenge of dementia care in Sidmouth
Saturday, March 17, 2012
ONE of the key concerns voiced by Sidmouth people in recent months is the need for more support for the carers of people with dementia.
Last week the NHS announced a new memory clinic that has been set up at Stowford Lodge.
This week, health officials have highlighted how they are trying to meet the challenge of people’s desire to have access to the right kind of short break facilities when they need a break.
They say it remains a challenging issue, yet to be completely resolved, but the health and social care agencies concerned are working hard to find solutions that meet local needs.
Commenting on developments made in recent months, Iain Tulley, chief executive of Devon Partnership NHS Trust, said: “We have put some excellent new services in place and we are encouraging people to share their feedback on these.
Uplifting news brought campaigner comfort on his death bed.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
A TIRELESS campaigner, who found out he had just weeks to live, was ‘thrilled’ to learn on his deathbed that some of his hard work was to come to fruition.
Tributes have poured in for Mark Williams, 64, who was at the forefront of a bid to improve older people’s mental heath provisions in the Sid Valley.
Mark went to hospital with suspected pneumonia, but was diagnosed with inoperable, late-stage lung cancer shortly after and died just three weeks later, on Wednesday, April 24.
The Knowle Drive resident was this week described as a ‘tremendous person’ whose passionate fight to improve the support available to those with dementia in the Sid Valley was ‘unstinting’ and widely appreciated.
Award for Ottery dementia service
Friday, June 21, 2013AN Ottery dementia service has been showcased as a model of best practice at a national awards ceremony in Manchester.
The Rowan and Linden centres were among only eight winners of an Innovation and Best Practice in Community Hospitals Award.
Award for Ottery dementia service - News - Sidmouth Herald
MP opens new garden in Tipton St John
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
A RESIDENTIAL home in Tipton St John welcomed East Devon MP Hugo Swire to officially open their new sensory garden.
The ribbon cutting took place at the Angela Court annual fete, which raised £500 for the home and dementia charity BRACE.
See also: Futures Forum: Jobs and services: caring for the elderly
We'd love to hear more about the campaign for raising awareness of dementia in Sidmouth
Dear Lynette,
As the flurry of stories from the local press here in Sidmouth shows, the campaign for raising awareness of dementia is growing here.
The front-page reports of the untimely death of Mark Williams, who campaigned tirelessly for this cause as the chairman of the Older Peoples Mental Health Working Group, has reminded local people of the need to keep up this good work.
Sidmouth has a large elderly population - and perhaps the pioneering work being carried out here will help inform other campaigners.
Thank you for your interest in Sidmouth and its people.
All the best to Purple Angel.
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