Futures Forum: Sid Vale Association: launch of heritage project ... Monday 26th January at Sidmouth Library
The media was very supportive:
Futures Forum: "What's important to our local heritage?" ... The Sid Vale Association's "local heritage assets project" asks for nominations
As of today, an exhibition of some of the nominations will be held at the Library in Sidmouth:
Sid Vale Association - Events and Activities
Heritage Asset Project
15 June 2015 to 27 June 2015
There will be an exhibition at the Sidmouth library where the History group will be exhibiting nominations for inclusion on the local Assets register and asking the Public for further nominations for Assets to be added to the local list.
The exhibition runs from 15th June to the 27th June excluding Sundays, from 9am each day.
Forms for additional nominations can be filled in and submitted.
For further details on the project, visit the SVA's pages:
What makes the Sid Valley special?
What would you miss if it disappeared tomorrow?
What would you miss if it disappeared tomorrow?
The SVA is embarking on an exciting new project, looking at our rich and diverse local heritage. We are working in partnership with Devon’s Historic Environment Team, East Devon District Council, the Museum and other groups to identify and list heritage assets of local significance in the Sid Valley.
We are also seeking partners and volunteers to help with this work. If you would like to become part of the SVA’s team, please contact us.

“You can nominate any treasured garden or green space – or even a tree.”

“You can nominate any treasured garden or green space – or even a tree.”
As a first step, we are asking members of the local community to nominate ‘local historical assets’.
Do you have a building or feature in the historic environment, not already protected by National Listing (see below), that has a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions?
Now is your chance to nominate your best loved or iconic features.
Heritage assets are not just buildings but can be:
1. Cultural landscapes
2. Anything related to social history
3. Patterns of settlement
4. Parks & Gardens
5. Village greens
6. Landmarks of community value
7. Interesting items such as street furniture
2. Anything related to social history
3. Patterns of settlement
4. Parks & Gardens
5. Village greens
6. Landmarks of community value
7. Interesting items such as street furniture
The Sid Valley Association is working with the local community to identify a proposed list of Local Heritage Assets. Half of all local authorities in the country already have agreed lists in place as encouraged by central government.
East Devon District Council (EDDC) is committed to this in its new Local Plan. Anything accepted by EDDC for local listing does not gain additional protection from alteration BUT has to be taken into account in any subsequent planning applications.
Sid Vale Association - Heritage Asset Project.
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