Wonders of wildlife
06:23 26 June 2015

Sidford Wildlife Garden springs to life 3
Nature-lovers are in for a treat now that a wildlife garden that was many months in the making has sprung into life.
The concept of creating a safe haven for children to play and learn about their natural surroundings was first proposed by The Byes Pre-school late last year and The Sidford Wildlife Project was born.
Now, after a successful fundraising campaign, planning application and hours of work from volunteers, young and old, the fruits of the community’s labours are paying off as the area is a riot of colourful flora and fauna.
Project manager Helen Harms said: “We are all really thrilled to see the wildlife garden coming to life - the wild flower area seemed to lay worryingly dormant for a couple of months but is now a mass of thick wild flowers with bees, butterflies and various insects buzzing happily about.”
“All of the saplings planted around the perimeter are thriving and its so exciting to see the beautiful array of colours and species in the garden.
“The Byes Pre-school has been enjoying the digging area and the children have planted peas and runner beans in their new growing area and labelled them so that everyone can enjoy following their growth.”
She added that the next phase of the project will be the creation of a pond to attract an even wider array of creatures.
Wonders of wildlife - News - Sidmouth HeraldThis is the project website:

The Sidford Wildlife Garden Project
The Byes Pre-school is fundraising to create a beautiful Wildlife Garden in Sidford for the enjoyment of Sidford, Sidmouth and other nearby communities. We have already gained huge support over the past few months from individuals, local businesses, East Devon District Council and of course The Keith Owen Trust Fund! We are now on Facebook and Twitter so visit our pages, Twitter: @SidfordWildlife and Facebook and support us in any way you can! Get tweeting and spread the word - we need your support to make it happen!
If you would like to know more about the project or if you would like to pledge some money, please get in touch via the Contact Us page on this website or via Facebook or Twitter.
If you would like to know more about the project or if you would like to pledge some money, please get in touch via the Contact Us page on this website or via Facebook or Twitter.
The Sidford Wildlife Garden Project - The Byes Pre-School
See also:
Futures Forum: Friends of the Byes: spring projects
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