Futures Forum: Climate Week in Sidmouth: The Climate Variety Show >>> Friday 11th March
The ideas of veganism and vegetarianism are very much out there and are becoming much more mainstream:
Futures Forum: Climate change: it's cool to be vegetarian
Although not everyone agrees:
Futures Forum: Climate change: the role of livestock and agriculture.......... or: "Can steak save the planet?"
However, there are plenty of opportunities locally to make up your mind.
This Saturday, Go Vegan! launches its 2016 campaign:
Go Vegan Launch
And on Saturday 23rd April, there is the Vegan Fair and Bake Sale in Exeter:
Exeter Vegan Fair & Bake Sale, Saturday 23 April 2016
And this is the homepage of the Exeter Friends for Animals group - with details of more events and goings-on:

EFFA - Exeter Friends For Animals
1 comment:
For more details of our upcoming events, see our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/exeterfriendsforanimals/. Our next "Go Vegan" event is a screening of Speciesism: The Movie on Tuesday 5 April, 7.30pm at Exeter Phoenix. With an introduction by Dr Richard Ryder, inventor of the term "speciesism". All welcome!
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