Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: planning application imminent
As the East Devon Watch blog points out, it is the job of the planning department to make sure that any applications are in order:
Knowle: EDDC helping Pegasus to get its ducks in a row | East Devon Watch
However, it is clear that this is not just a planning decision - but a highly political decision - and that the political leadership at East Devon will be determined that the second planning application at Knowle does not fail, as did the first in March 2013:
12/1847/MOUT | Outline application proposing demolition of existing buildings (retention of building B) for class D1 non-residential institution and park rangers station (Sui Generis), residential development of up to 50no. dwellings (Class C3 use), 60no. bed graduated care home (Class C2 use) and access (all matters reserved except access) | Council Offices Knowle Sidmouth EX10 8HL
The current conditional contract with Pegasus has only been seen by four people at the District Council:
Pre Application meetings with Pegasus - a Freedom of Information request to East Devon District Council - WhatDoTheyKnow
Pegasus agreement re Knowle - a Freedom of Information request to East Devon District Council - WhatDoTheyKnow
The Herald carries the latest on the plans:
Delay to plan for 115 homes, gym and restaurant at Knowle, Sidmouth
09:09 21 April 2016

PegasusLife's plans for an orangery at Knowle
A planning application for a 115-home retirement community at Knowle has been held up after council bosses asked the developer for extra information.
PegasusLife formally submitted its proposals for the 4.6-acre site on April 1, but, some three weeks later, residents have not had the chance to see them.
This is because East Devon District Council (EDDC) is yet to ‘validate’ the application. Once validated, the plans will be made public.
An EDDC spokeswoman said: “We have received an application from Pegasus, but we will require some additional information before we can validate it. Once we have everything that we need, the application will be advertised, posted on our website and the community consulted in the usual way.”
The developer said ‘major changes’ had been made to its original vision ahead of the plans being submitted. Under the plans, the site’s 19th century former hotel and 1970s offices will be demolished to make way for dwellings for over-60s. The Caretaker’s Cottage will remain. Much of the parkland will remain in public ownership. A restaurant and gym facilities also feature in proposals.
A PegasusLife spokeswoman said: “EDDC requested clarification on some of the drawings submitted as part of the application. This information is being provided to the council and we await the application being validated.”
The sale of Knowle for between £7million and £8million is key to EDDC’s plans to relocate from Sidmouth to Exmouth and Honiton.
Its development management committee will decide the fate of the plans.
Delay to plan for 115 homes, gym and restaurant at Knowle, Sidmouth - News - Sidmouth Herald
See also:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: deciding to sell >>> 'overage' and the dangers of selling Knowle short >>> one year on... and further reports
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project >>> a far more imposing development than assumed? Part Two
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