Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >> Scoping Study consultation >> proposals now available
The outline of what was expected came up first in November 2015:
'A Scoping Exercise is an analysis and study to establish what a potential project could involve, what the risks and possible difficulties are, and how such a project should be planned and implemented':
Meeting of Sidmouth Town Council: Monday 2 November 2015 at 6.30pm
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >>> District Council's 'scoping exercise' to be debated by Town Council >>> Monday 2nd November
The report to the District Council in January last year had the promise of 'a forward plan of action to achieve the best quality development outcome. This will include recommendations toward boundary definition, ideas about what Sidmouth would benefit from, a range of options possible for development, market intelligence, the approach to a development plan eg a Masterplan process':
Subject: Sidmouth – Eastern Town Scoping Study
Purpose of report:
The Port Royal vicinity at the eastern end of Sidmouth seafront is an area that does not meet the high standards of visual or amenity quality of the rest of the town. There is general acknowledgement that the area requires development and renewal. In partnership with Sidmouth Town Council and as principal landowner, EDDC is proposing to undertake a scoping exercise to investigate ways forward that can bring about investment and development to renew the area and create a high quality mix of uses.
Cabinet recommendations as follows:
1. EDDC will work with Sidmouth Town Council to prepare a brief and commission appropriate professional consultancy to scope out the detailed work required and options to fully plan the tasks and process required to achieve the regeneration of Port Royal
Report in full:
EDDC will work in partnership with Sidmouth Town Council to commission and manage a scoping exercise for the renewal of the Port Royal area of Sidmouth. It is expected that the work will take no more than two or three months to start and finish. This will not be a major planning exercise at this point in time but a precursor to identify key information such as land ownerships, boundary options and reflect on any previous plans and investigations into the area. Without going into too much detail at this stage (a detailed plan would need to follow) the scoping exercise will want to reflect on technical and sensitivity issues related to the location of Port Royal including design, engineering, environment, flood management and World Heritage Coast concerns.
The consultants will be expected to propose a forward plan of action to achieve the best quality development outcome. This will include recommendations toward boundary definition, ideas about what Sidmouth would benefit from, a range of options possible for development, market intelligence, the approach to a development plan eg a Masterplan process. We would also expect a timeline and action plan for next steps. Lastly, the consultants would be expected to advise, potentially on a confidential basis, on financial aspects of a renewal scheme for Port Royal. This would include the spend required to take forward a development plan and what would be a potential capital receipt outcome.
Agenda for Cabinet - Wednesday, 6 January 2016 (pages 84-87)
Jan 6th 2016, Knowle…Cabinet will hear report on Eastern Town Scoping Study for Sidmouth. | Save Our Sidmouth
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >>> ‘Scoping Report for the eastern end of Sidmouth’ to be presented to Cabinet >>> Wednesday 6th January
We await to see the 'forward plan' with the 'range of options': only one so far has been given:
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >> Scoping Study consultation > "It's a starting point that looks at the practicalities."
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >> Scoping Study consultation > "It's a starting point that looks at the practicalities."
In actual fact, a lot of research has already been carried out on the scope of things at Port Royal - together with a 'range of options'.
For example:
A summary of the options from the Vision Group's Graham Cooper:
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >> Scoping Study consultation > an overview of the maps and the options
A thorough look at what could be done from the Sidmouth Drill Hall Rescue:
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >> Scoping Study consultation > a full analysis and a proper alternative scoping study
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >> Scoping Study consultation > a full analysis and a proper alternative scoping study
An economic assessment from the Drill Hall Hub:
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >> Scoping Study consultation > Economic Evidence Report
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >> Scoping Study consultation > Economic Evidence Report
And the report from the Vision Group's Port Royal Steering Group of 2012:
Plans for Port Royal: VGS and PRSG
The Vision Group for Sidmouth was founded in part to address the issue of 'what to do with Port Royal' and its 2006 Report covered several proposals: Vision Group for Sidmouth - Original Vision Group Report
This has been largely updated in the Port Royal Steering Group's report of 2010, presented to Sidmouth Town Council last week (see earlier posting): Vision Group for Sidmouth - Notes on Port Royal Developments

Port Royal: Have your say!
Sidmouth Town Council has vowed to engage with district authority bosses to develop proposals for the site – and civic leaders say public consultation will be ‘key’.
The Port Royal Steering Group (PRSG) dossier describes – but does not promote – a range of options, including high-rise, luxury flats, a pedestrian-friendly ‘leisure’ retreat, the detailed reworking of the Ham car parks and the introduction of a jetty for waterborne transport links. The conservation and refurbishment of the Drill Hall, or its demolition to make way for a more expensive regeneration of the whole area while retaining current uses, are also featured.
The only option ruled out on the grounds of ‘physical geography and costs’ is a substantial marina.
Sidmouth Town Council has vowed to engage with district authority bosses to develop proposals for the site – and civic leaders say public consultation will be ‘key’.
The Port Royal Steering Group (PRSG) dossier describes – but does not promote – a range of options, including high-rise, luxury flats, a pedestrian-friendly ‘leisure’ retreat, the detailed reworking of the Ham car parks and the introduction of a jetty for waterborne transport links. The conservation and refurbishment of the Drill Hall, or its demolition to make way for a more expensive regeneration of the whole area while retaining current uses, are also featured.
The only option ruled out on the grounds of ‘physical geography and costs’ is a substantial marina.
The full PRSG report is available at
Vision Group for Sidmouth - Community Engagement Brief
and at the Library.
Vision Group for Sidmouth - Community Engagement Brief
and at the Library.
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