Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal and the Sterling architecture prize: staying true to the history and roots of a building with a highly considered and creative project that brings to life a previously-unloved pocket of the town.
When it comes to the Eastern Town area, the feedback from the Sid Valley's largest ever public consultation is absolutely clear:
Futures Forum: Neighbourhood Plan > interim report on Port Royal >>> >>> "A focus on community space" >>> >>> >>> >>> "Repeated narrative comments supported this approach as opposed to a development which is weighted towards commercial and housing purposes, stressing the importance of community and visitor use."
If we consider 'the history and roots' of the area plus the demands that 'community use' be uppermost, that would mean looking at doing something creative with the current buildings.
These sketches are from 2008 - and take us to very straightforward revamping of what have been 'community and visitor' facilities:
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: Drill Hall alternatives
Last year, Graham Cooper, the author of those designs, put together a complete book with several innovative approaches - and some very prescient words which anticipated the latest public consultation:
There is however, a strong feeling locally that thefacilities in a refreshed Port Royal must remain accessible to the community and not be sold as speculative residential development. The majority of responders indicated a preference for a variety of all weather purposes, such as a flexible performance and exhibition space as part of a sheltered winter garden area with a fish restaurant, café and sea view terrace. For the sake of Sidmouth’s future as a quality tourist destination, it is hoped the council’s scoping initiative and the successful competition entries are able to address and accommodate the above concerns, and the wishes of the local residents, in their proposals.
Futures Forum: Port Royal: Envisioning the Ham Sidmouth >>> new book and local entry to architecture competition
New book on the vision for Port Royal - View from Sidmouth
And this book was one of the shortlisted entries for the architecture competition:
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal and the Eastern Town >>> architecture competition to re-imagine Port Royal comes to a close
Here is an overview of his work from earlier this month:
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >> Scoping Study consultation > an overview of the maps and the options
And here are his latest ideas to repurpose Port Royal:
2 Site Plan – including 2 canopies and apartments
3 Birds-eye Projection from the South East
4 Perspective along the Esplanade from the West.
The proposal is to add a further floor and balcony to the sailing club, with canopies extending over the boat yard and to the east of the Drill Hall linking it to the WCs.
For flexibility the new top floor would be open-plan with patio windows providing views at both ends.
The saw tooth profile is intended to unify the site offering further shelter to the users and visitors.
The maximum height as shown in the perspective would be below Trinity Court..
The maximum height as shown in the perspective would be below Trinity Court..
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