Futures Forum: District Council: asking for wildlife volunteers and advertising for a winter tree identification walk... on the Community Notice Board...
and with reminders today from
Save our SOS Noticeboard? | Save Our Sidmouth
Save the “Save Our Sidmouth” notice board | Sidmouth Independent News
... there will be an appeal made on Wednesday 5th March for the community notice board on the pedestrianised Fore Street.
Here is the letter from the District Council with notification of the appeal
- together with the original application:
13/0770/FUL | Erection of wooden information noticeboard (retrospective application) | Pure Indulgence 1 Fore Street Sidmouth EX10 8AQ
And here is a notice from the notice board with the contact information:
The District and Town Councils consider the notice board unwanted:
Noxious noticeboard…or popular community asset? | Sidmouth Independent News
It is deemed 'dangerous':

It’s a ‘danger’ - it’s a....notice board - News - Sidmouth Herald
On the other hand:
There are several other 'pinch points' where people gather to make use of services in Sidmouth - which have been allowed, encouraged or ignored by the authorities - such as the cash point at the top of the busy High Street where the pavement is narrow and the road is two-way:
Tesco Sidmouth High Street Express in Sidmouth opening times and store details
Futures Forum: Tesco's in East Devon
There is also the issue of 'ugly signage' elsewhere:
What frustrates me is that the noticeboard was not allowed to stay, but the council planning dept seem to 'overlook' the ugly advertising fence on a pub just down the road. Surely any councillor walking through town would be able to see how not-in-keeping great big notices saying Heineken are with the general character of the town (thankfully Sidmouth is still pretty much free of large scale national company advertising except for this). Even with the fences moved back slightly they are still forcing anyone with a wheelchair or not walking single file into the road.
Streetlife | Notice Boards - Advertising.............. | Page 1
Sidmouth Town Council has committed itself to providing new notice boards. Although the Sidford notice board was replaced some years ago, the other boards are still awaiting some tlc. Interestingly, the notice board at Sidford is situated on a rather busy crossroads...
1) Notice boards be replaced one each year in the following order; Three Cornered Plot, The Ham, Lymebourne, St. Theresa’s Hall. The same design as the Sidford notice board should be used where appropriate.
2) A maintenance programme be drawn up so that all notice boards are re-stained each year.
3) Investigate whether funding can be allocated to notice board replacement from the Towns and Parishes Together Fund.
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