Fracking Film at Honiton Boston Tea Party
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- Created on Wednesday, 05 February 2014 12:56

Honiton Community Café are showing a new film by Frack Free Somerset which examines the potential impact of fracking and coal bed methane extraction in Somerset and beyond. The event is supported by Transition Town Honiton and will include an introduction by a Frack Free Somerset.
The film will be shown at Boston Tea Party on Honiton High Street on Thursday 27thFebruary 2014 at 7:30pm.
Honiton Community Café developed from an informal group showing films at the Monkton Wyld community, near Axminster, launched a community café of its own in January last year. A wide range of topics have been covered, ranging from environmental to economic, social, and political issues.
Project Co-ordinator Phil Foggit said,
“Community Café provides a valuable forum to consider important issues which may not get adequate coverage in the mainstream media. It aims to help educate and inform us about important issues and provide opportunities for the exchange of ideas and solutions."
Boston Tea Party Manager, Roz added,
“Boston’ Tea Party is always keen to encourage community projects such as this. If we can help to bring people together, to talk about important issues and build a sense of community then we are happy to contribute.”
For more information visit Frack Free Somerset website at
Admission is £5 (£3 concessions) on the door.
Fracking Film at Honiton Boston Tea Party - Honiton Town WebsiteHoniton Town Website - Community | Facebook
The truth behind the dash for gas
You now have the opportunity to see new film by Frack Free Somerset examining the potential impacts of fracking and coal bed methane extraction in Somerset and beyond. It includes the social, health and environmental consequences associated with unconventional gas drilling. A screening is being organised by the Community Cafe group at Boston Tea Party in Honiton on Thursday 27th February 2014 – 7.30pm.
The majority of Somerset is licensed for oil and gas extraction and this film sets the scene for community awareness so we can defend our landscape from becoming Gasfields.
Admission £5/£3 concessions. The film will be followed by discussion. Refreshments available. All welcome.
More info can be found on and
The Truth Behind the Dash for Gas ~ Film Showing @ Boston Tea Party
‘,,,is a safe, proven method of extracting gas with much less impact on the environment than wind turbines’.
I’ve never seen a fracking rig although I have worked on a conventional drilling rig and so do know what I’m talking about and would suggest that johnnyrvt must live on a different planet!
He has got to be referring to the USA since the technology is in its infancy here. Anyone wanting to know what impact it has had there on the environment should read the National Geographic of March 2013, which documents the impact of fracking on the plains of North Dakota.
There the Bakken ‘play’ produces oil; they have to burn off the gas since there is no economic way of getting it to market and It is obvious that the environment there has been ruined by the widespread pollution. What support the industry receives is only on the basis that it has brought jobs to a depressed area. Surely we are not reduced to that here?
Communities in England need to bear in mind that the drilling rig site is only one component of the damage; our Government wants the gas out and that doesn’t occur by magic! Either each site has to be connected by pipelines to the grid, or more industrial plant has to be installed to liquify it and truck it out.
The train that caught fire at Lac-Megantic in Canada last year, killing 47 people was actually carrying oil from the Bakker. There have been several other crashes in the region.
Despite repeated re-entries, the fracking wells tend not to produce for very long (if at all) so the sites may well be abandoned after 10 years.
I’ve no doubt which installation I’d prefer to have close to where I live; give me wind turbines!