Do contact her if you have any further research, photographs or insights which could contribute to the volume:
The Natural History of the Sid Valley

It is hoped that a greater understanding of the Sid Valley’s biodiversity will enhance a visitor’s stay and encourage them to return to our locality, therefore improving sustainability to our local income which in turn supports our town. For our new and current residents, it is hoped that such information may initiate them to become actively involved in some of our many conservation and environmental activities that we have to offer in Sidmouth.

The booklet is due to be completed by the end of 2014 and is a project taken on by Louise Woolley. If anyone has any photographs or information that they think should be considered for inclusion within the booklet then it would be greatly appreciated if you could contact Louise at
Sid Vale Association - The Natural History of the Sid ValleyWildlife book to boost tourism
Stefan GordonFriday, February 21, 2014
A TOURISM boosting look at wildlife in the Sid Valley is being compiled by Britain’s oldest civic society.
The Sid Vale Association (SVA) is working on a booklet that will go on sale at Sidmouth Museum – and residents have been invited to have an input.
“The focus is to encourage visitors and residents alike to be motivated and inspired to conserve and explore our very special natural environment,” said Louise Woolley, who is undertaking the project.
“It is hoped that a greater understanding of the Sid Valley’s biodiversity will enhance a visitor’s stay and encourage them to return to our locality, therefore improving sustainability to our local income which in turn supports our town.
“For our new and current residents, it is hoped that such information may initiate them to become actively involved in some of our many conservation and environmental activities that we have to offer in Sidmouth.
“The Sid Valley has a mild microclimate which provides shelter to many species of wildlife, especially plants, which can often be seen flowering all year around.
“The smaller wooded valleys which carry the Sid’s tributaries such as the Snod Brook and Roncombe Stream offer even greater shelter for wildlife with public access along many footpaths and bridleways. We also have lowland heath and coastal habitats which provide a wide range of wildlife species in a small area.
“The booklet will cover the whole of the river catchment and map areas of particular interest for wildlife. Our wide range of local habitats which are managed as conservation areas will be included such as The Byes, Fire Beacon Hill and Peaslands Knapp as well as pointing out aquatic, hedgebank and other habitats which are often overlooked.”
The booklet is due to be completed by the end of the year.
Anyone with photographs or information they think should be considered for inclusion can contact Louise at .
Wildlife book to boost tourism - News - Sidmouth HeraldLouise has been involved in several other projects:
Futures Forum: Friends of the Byes AGM - report
Futures Forum: Biodiversity in Sidmouth: Friends of the Byes
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