Sustainable Healthcare
Transition Exeter in association with the University of Exeter Medical School and the Royal Devon & Exeter Foundation Trust presents a public lecture and discussion.
"Sustainable Heathcare"

Is the current health care system sustainable?
What is health?
What makes you healthy?
Hear about and discuss the issues facing the health service.
What should be our priorities - for the Health Service, for society, for our communities and for each of us as individuals?
How does sustainable healthcare fit in with a more sustainable lifestyle?
A personal view from Exeter GP Niall MacLeod
Followed by discussion at
The Research, Innovation, Learning and Development Centre, Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, Barrack Road, Exeter
Thursday 27th March at 7:15pm
Please arrive promptly - the doors will close at 7:25pm
For more information contact or telephone 01392 408187
Vision Group for Sidmouth - Sustainable Healthcare
See also:
SHINE Learning Network for Sustainable Healthcare Buildings
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