Newcastle West Green Belt Protection Campaign
All Party Parliamentary Group On The Green Belt Gloucestershire
Following on from the Save Our Green Spaces event in December
Futures Forum: Save Our Green Spaces... and sustainable development
the All Parliamentary Group on the Greenbelt called for evidence: the East Devon Alliance duly provided its own submission to the Group:
National network of campaign groups launched today in South West. | Save Our Sidmouth

protecting green spaces in the south west from development
The group intends to publish a report on the basis of this evidence in Spring 2014, with oral evidence sessions also being held in the New Year.
In particular, the group would like to focus on issues including:
- What has been the effect of the abolition of Regional Spatial Strategies and the introduction of the National Planning Policy Framework in the context of the preservation of greenbelt land?
- Which local councils are taking their obligations on greenbelt preservation seriously and which local councils are placing greenbelt land under threat?
- What new policy ideas should be considered to increase greenbelt protection?
- Should brownfield land in greenbelt areas have the same protection as Greenfield land in greenbelt areas?
- How can we increase local community engagement in protecting the greenbelt?
- How can it be made clearer to the media the important distinction between “greenfield” land and “greenbelt” land- with the importance of greenbelt being highlighted as separate from greenfield.
- How do we balance the need to sustain the greenbelt with the need for sustainable communities?
- Should certain areas of greenbelt land be given higher protection than other areas?
- What should the greenbelt look like for the twenty first century?
Save Our Greenspaces-About Us
This is a new group, headed by Avon MP Chris Skidmore - and is attracting more and more MPs:
"To raise awareness of the greenbelt, its protection and the preservation of greenbelt land for local communities."House of Commons - Register Of All-Party Groups as at 28 February 2014: Greenbelt
New All Party Parliamentary Group aims to protect greenbelt | Save Our Sidmouth
It has had meetings with the Planning Minister:
MPs' green belt protection group meets Boles | Planning Resource
All within the context of heightened debate about 'green belt':
Green belt: half of local councils plan to build on rural build, National Trust warns - Telegraph
Eric Pickles: Labour's approach to housing shows how out of touch they are » Spectator Blogs
For example, from yesterday's Plymouth Herald:
Liskeard greenbelt campaigners demand meeting with council | Plymouth Herald
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