Futures Forum: "New group takes over from business forum" ... The East Devon Business Support Group
View From Online - News from West Dorset, East Devon & South Somerset
In a press release from the District Council, the news is that the Group were able to be 'updated' on the draft Local Plan:
Business Support Group quiz EDDC team

Thursday 17 April
The East Devon Business Support Group welcomed several speakers from East Devon District Council to their third meeting, held at Woodhayes Farm, Honiton.
The group were given two presentations by EDDC’s Planning Policy Manager dealing with the Local Plan and the Community Infrastructure Levy. He was supported by EDDC’s Chief Executive.
Two District Councillors also attended and contributed to the discussions. They were Paul Diviani, Leader of the Council, and Andrew Moulding, Deputy Leader. During and following the presentations, support group members asked numerous questions and expressed their views on many issues.
The support group was set up following the disbanding last year of the East Devon Business Forum.
The following are members of this group:-
• Association of East Devon Chambers of Commerce
• Devon Branch of the National Farmers’ Union (NFU)
• East Devon Branch of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)
• Membership organisations providing support for businesses in the hospitality industry
• East Devon Business Leaders’ Group.
Collectively they represent well over 2,000 East Devon businesses and provide a voice for the East Devon Business Community.
East Devon District Council - NewsMore information about the Group:
This group provides a voice for the East Devon Business Community. It consists of five
members who collectively represent well over 2,000 East Devon Businesses.
All five members provide help & support to those local businesses that choose to pay them
an annual subscription as follows:-
1.The Association of East Devon Chambers of Commerce.
Contact Ian MacQueen chair@exmouthchamber.co.uk
This association consists of the following local town Chambers & similar
organisations – all of whom pay an annual fee to belong to the association. The
majority of businesses that are represented by these organisations are small
businesses & therefore the events that they arrange tend to be those that are of
interest to small businesses in their local areas.
(a) Axminster Chamber of Commerce & Industry
(b) Blackdown Hills Business Association
(c) Budleigh Salterton & District Chamber of Commerce
(d) Budleigh in Business
(e) Exmouth Chamber of Trade & Commerce
(f) Honiton & District Chamber of Commerce
(g) Ottery St Mary Chamber of Commerce
(h) Seaton & District Chamber of Commerce
(i) Sidmouth Chamber of Commerce
2. Devon Branch of The National Farmers Union (NFU)
Contact:- Andrew Butler andrew.butler@nfu.org.uk
3. East Devon Branch of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)
Contact:- Greg Page-Turner greg@woodhayes.co.uk
4. The membership organisations that provide support to East Devon businesses within the
hospitality industry namely:-
Heart of Devon ATP
Sidmouth & District Hospitality Association
Exeter & Heart of Devon Hotels & Restaurant Association
Contact James Sharp james@devonhotels.com
5.The East Devon Business Leaders Group.
This organisation represents the larger businesses that operate within our district
& provide them with a forum where they can meet together to discuss matters
which are of interest to the larger businesses.
Contact Val Baker, Administrator. info@bhba.org.uk
All of the organisations named above are committed to continue working with the local
Authorities; the Local Enterprise Partnership & all other organisations that can help to
provide support to our businesses.
This group meets as necessary (& no less than four times a year) to keep each other
informed of developments & to listen to /question any speakers that they might invite to
address them. They act as a conduit by passing on to their members any information that
they receive which could help local businesses & by passing on to invited speakers the
views of their members.
They are also consulted formally by organisations that require to hear the views of the East
Devon Business Community such as Local Authorities.
Their meetings are chaired by an independent retired businessman who does not belong to
any of the five organisations.
For further information please contact our administrator, Val Baker:-
e-mail:- info@bhba.org.uk
Tel 01823 681484
Web page - Google Docs
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