Futures Forum: Relocalisation
the Post Carbon Institute is central in explaining such matters in a clear and coherent way.
It conducts a lot of serious research itself:

latest publications
The Catalytic Effect of Community-led Action
Rob Hopkins Post Carbon Fellow Apr 14, 2014
One of the most fascinating recent studies into the impact of Transition was Local Communities Leading the Way to a Low Carbon Society, a report published by AEIDL … >>
This World Water Day, Something Big to Celebrate
Sandra Postel Post Carbon Fellow Mar 24, 2014
On Monday, March 24, I leave on a trip to witness an event I never thought I’d see: the Colorado River flowing through its delta toward the sea. >>
Post Carbon Institute | Leading the transition to a resilient world
There are some handy pieces of media.
For example, a podcast looking at local currencies and local economies:
Michael Shuman: The Benefits of Deploying Investment Capital Locally Vs Wall Street
length: 43:49 credit: Peak Prosperity download

The Federal Reserve and other central planners have worked overtime to lead the world back to "recovery" from the depths of the 2008 financial crisis. Using one of their main signaling indicators, they've succeeded: stock market indices are hovering near all-time highs.
But, as has been often discussed here, are we really better off for it?
In this week's podcast, Chris talks with Michael Shuman, author of Local Dollars Local Sense: How To Move Your Money From Wall Street to Main Street & Achieve Real Prosperity.
Shuman has written eight books on community economics and believes that deploying your investment capital locally offers the best financial return prospects vs investing it in traditional stocks and bonds -- plus yields an additional valuable community resilience multiplier that Wall Street doesn't.
Full transcript
Here's a list of publications which is well worth exploring:
Since 2012, projects have focused on energy, economic growth, and "community resilience."
- Report: Resilient Against What?: How Leading U.S. Municipalities Are Understanding and Acting on Resilience, by Jim Thayer, Morgan Rider, and Daniel Lerch (2013)[2]
- Report: Climate After Growth: Why Environmentalists Must Embrace Post-Growth Economics and Community Resilience, by Asher Miller and Rob Hopkins (2013)[3]
- Book: Snake Oil: How Fracking's False Promise of Plenty Imperils Our Future, by Richard Heinberg (2013)[4]
- Campaign: The Energy Reality Campaign, with various allies
- Book: ENERGY: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth, edited by Tom Butler and George Wuerthner, published by Watershed Media with the Foundation for Deep Ecology (2013). With essays by Lester Brown, Amory Lovins, Bill McKibben and others.[5]
- Book: The ENERGY Reader, edited by Tom Butler, Daniel Lerch, and George Wuerthner, published by Watershed Media with the Foundation for Deep Ecology (2013). With essays by Winona LaDuke, Vandana Shiva, and others.
- Book: Rebuilding the Foodshed: How to Create Local, Sustainable, and Secure Food Systems, by Philip Ackerman-Leist, published by Chelsea Green Publishing (2013)[6]
- Report: Drill Baby Drill: Can Unconventional Fuels Usher in a New Era of Energy Abundance, by J. David Hughes (2013)[7][8]
- Book: Power from the People: How to Organize, Finance, and Launch Local Energy Projects, by Greg Pahl, published by Chelsea Green Publishing (2012)[9]
- Book: Local Dollars, Local Sense: How to Shift Your Money from Wall Street to Main Street and Achieve Real Prosperity, by Michael Shuman, published by Chelsea Green Publishing (2012)[10]
- Website: In 2012 Post Carbon Institute launched Resilience.org, the successor website to EnergyBulletin, intended as a resource platform for communities building local self-reliance, emphasizing community-based responses to the rapidly emerging fallout from the end of cheap fossil fuels.[11]
Post Carbon Institute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Plus a YouTube channel:
postcarboninstitute - YouTube
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