focusses on climate change issues in the wake of the winter storms:
April 2014 - Transition Network Newsletter
This month sees a new Digest which brings together all the articles on the theme of the month. REconomy relaunches its website and has a job offer, Transition Free Press gets ready to relaunch, ideas of reusing stuff, saying goodbye to supermarkets and a school dips in its river. Plus new training, the World Roundup and of course much more.
The Transitioners Digest
Our theme for March was 'Living with Climate Change', which we explored from a variety of angles. The month was framed by an opening editorial which reflected on how different the storms of 2014 felt from previous extreme weather episodes and reflected on the response to the storms from various quarters. It is fitting that our theme drew to a close on the day the latest IPCC report was published.
- "The biggest diplomatic challenge of all time" is what Sir David King told Sarah McAdam. He calls this "the big moment to achieve a global agreement" on climate change.
- Our conversation with George Marshall of COIN discussed why it is that being exposed to extreme weather doesn't necessarily increase awareness of climate change, and how Transition initiatives should discuss climate change in their communities following the storms.
- Sophy Banks argued that "if we were rational, we'd have climate change sorted by now".
- Guy Watson of Riverford Organic Farm talked about the realities of trying to run a farm in the face of extreme weather.
- Chris Rowland talked about how OVESCO are now running a peer mentoring scheme for local communities.
- Our interview with Paul Kingsnorth, a founder of the Dark Mountain Project encouraged concluded that the useful thing you can do is keep telling the truth and get on with doing what useful work you can do at your local level.
- Katherine Knox of Joseph Rowntree Foundation introduced us to 'climate injustice', and the social impacts of the recent floods and who stands to lose the most from climate-related impacts.
- We also heard from Transitioners around the world reflecting on what climate change looks like where they live. Reports include from Los Angeles and the drought that has been affecting California; what climate mitigation looks like in a Netherlands community; two reports from the Somerset Levels; the sheer power of the storms on the Isles of Scilly.
- By far the most popular article of last month was our Open Letter to the BBC in response to Nigel Lawson's appearance on Radio 4's Today Programme. We followed up this month with a response to the BBC's reply to the huge numbers of people who objected. The flood of complaints resulted, finally, in the closest thing to an apology from the programme's producer.
For all these stories above and an overview of what we've covered, the highlights and some key insights: The Transitioners Digest (March) | Transition Network
This month's series: The impact we're having.

Today we hear from Stephanie Hofielen of From the Ground Up, the vegetable box scheme set up by Transition Town Kingston. "We earned ‘Commended’ from the Time & Leisure Eat & Drink Awards 2013 for SW London & Surrey, and from the Kingston Business Excellence Council for 'Best Green Business 2013'".
April's theme is "What is the impact of Transition, and how do we know?"

How can we know the impact we're having, and what do we even mean by "impact"? Is there an evolving 'evidence base' to support the Transition approach? Join us as we rummage around inside this month's theme.
Read our editorial: On Transition's impact and re-imagining the road to Paris 2015
The Transition Interview: Sir David King
Sir David King, Special Representative to the UK Foreign Secretary on climate change talks to us about "the biggest diplomatic challenge of all time", the need for leadership and the role of communities.
Sir David King on climate change as "the biggest diplomatic challenge of all time" | Transition Network
Welcome | Transition Network
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