Futures Forum: District Council to consider draft Local Plan >>>>> Monday 23rd March >>> the issues
A central part of the proposed plans is the industrial park at Sidford:
Futures Forum: Sidford business park: latest plans
Futures Forum: Sidford plans in detail
Futures Forum: What is the difference between a 'business park'... and a 'retail park'... Part Two
Futures Forum: The current state of employment land sites in the Sid Valley
These plans were considered at the inspection last year:
Futures Forum: Public Examination of the New East Devon Local Plan ... EMPLOYMENT LAND
Futures Forum: Public Examination of the New East Devon Local Plan ... Sidmouth: the issues: Sidford Employment Allocation
Futures Forum: Public Examination of the New East Devon Local Plan ... SIDMOUTH
Futures Forum: Public Examination of the New East Devon Local Plan ... SIDMOUTH: press reports
Futures Forum: Public Examination of the New East Devon Local Plan ... decision imminent ... and longer-term consequences ...
And the Inspector asked the District Council to consider these plans again:
Futures Forum: Public Examination of the New East Devon Local Plan ... report published today Thurs 3rd April ...
On the front page of today's Herald
... the main story was the push by two of Sidmouth's District Councillors who are pushing for the Sidford industrial park to be moved:
Breaking news & sport in Sidmouth | Sidmouth Herald
This is from Cllr Stuart Hughes' website:
District Council
16th March 2015
It has been proposed by myself and seconded by Graham Troman that the Draft Local Plan recommendation for a business park to be created between Sidford and Sidbury on the A375 be amended by the following resolution.......
That (d) Land north of Sidford be removed from the draft plan and replaced by land north of the A3052 in the vicinity and to the east of the Sidmouth Garden Centre. To be developed as and when required following other sites reaching their full potential. (This site is similar to the former second choice site for Devon CountyCouncil's Civic Amenity and Recycling Centre).
If the site has not been developed by the first plan review, then the employment allocation for Sidmouth should be re-examined. Furthermore the employment site must be subject to the highest design and landscaping standards.
That the land north of Sidford between the Built Up Area Boundaries of Sidford and Sidbury and in the AONB be designated a Green Wedge.
That the land north of Sidford between the Built Up Area Boundaries of Sidford and Sidbury and in the AONB be designated a Green Wedge.
The site between Sidford and Sidbury on the A375 would have a serious impact on the quality of life for the local residents of Sidford.www.devonconservative.org.uk
The Save Our Sidmouth blog has commented:
Employment land for Sid Valley …should EDDC’s Local Plan be amended? (DMC to consider, next Monday morning, 23 March)
March 17, 2015 by sidmouthsid Leave a comment
Stuart Hughes’ ‘Hughes Report’ blog says that he has proposed an amendment to the Local Plan, seconded by Graham Troman. It refers to moving the employment allocation to north of the A3052, and designating the land between Sidford and Sidbury as a Green Wedge.
However, Cllrs Hughes and Troman, both representing Sidmouth, do not state how big they think the new site should be, nor precisely where it should be located. Presumably they want to leave those crucial matters for the Development Management Committee (DMC) to decide. At least two other Sidmouth representatives, Town and District Cllr Peter Sullivan, and Town Councillor Ian Barlow (owner of one potential new site), are likely to give some input when the DMC meets next Monday.
The DMC vote will probably be close, as it was with the Knowle application. This could be an ideal opportunity for the Committee to prove that it is independent-minded.
A large public presence at the meeting on Monday 23rd March, starting at 10a.m. in the Knowle Council Chamber, would doubtless be appreciated.
Another Green Wedge for East Devon? Don’t miss DMC next Monday, 23 March. | East Devon Watch
What EDDC’s revised Local Plan specifies for the Sid Valley
March 16, 2015 by sidmouthsid 2 Comments
Here is the link to the revised Local Plan. http://eastdevon.gov.uk/media/990979/230315-sp-dmc-local-plan-with-changes-for-post-hearing-consultation-ver-04-march-2015.pdf
As in the previous version of the Local Plan, rejected by the Inspector, there are still 100 homes proposed, plus 50 windfall. AND the 5-hectare Sidford Business Park site is still in unamended.
The implications are illustrated below:

Proposal is for 12 acres of employment land, with 400 new parking spaces, close to residential housing. Sidmouth currently has a very low unemployment rate.

The site is partly on a floodplain, which Environment Agency warns will get worse with climate disturbance.
Employment land for Sid Valley …should EDDC’s Local Plan be amended? (DMC to consider, next Monday morning, 23 March)
March 17, 2015 by sidmouthsid Leave a comment
Stuart Hughes’ ‘Hughes Report’ blog says that he has proposed an amendment to the Local Plan, seconded by Graham Troman. It refers to moving the employment allocation to north of the A3052, and designating the land between Sidford and Sidbury as a Green Wedge.
However, Cllrs Hughes and Troman, both representing Sidmouth, do not state how big they think the new site should be, nor precisely where it should be located. Presumably they want to leave those crucial matters for the Development Management Committee (DMC) to decide. At least two other Sidmouth representatives, Town and District Cllr Peter Sullivan, and Town Councillor Ian Barlow (owner of one potential new site), are likely to give some input when the DMC meets next Monday.
The DMC vote will probably be close, as it was with the Knowle application. This could be an ideal opportunity for the Committee to prove that it is independent-minded.
A large public presence at the meeting on Monday 23rd March, starting at 10a.m. in the Knowle Council Chamber, would doubtless be appreciated.
Another Green Wedge for East Devon? Don’t miss DMC next Monday, 23 March. | East Devon Watch
What EDDC’s revised Local Plan specifies for the Sid Valley
March 16, 2015 by sidmouthsid 2 Comments
Here is the link to the revised Local Plan. http://eastdevon.gov.uk/media/990979/230315-sp-dmc-local-plan-with-changes-for-post-hearing-consultation-ver-04-march-2015.pdf
As in the previous version of the Local Plan, rejected by the Inspector, there are still 100 homes proposed, plus 50 windfall. AND the 5-hectare Sidford Business Park site is still in unamended.
The implications are illustrated below:

Proposal is for 12 acres of employment land, with 400 new parking spaces, close to residential housing. Sidmouth currently has a very low unemployment rate.

The site is partly on a floodplain, which Environment Agency warns will get worse with climate disturbance.

The Sidford-Sidbury country road already has traffic problems.

This example of a business park, just 15 minutes’ drive away (on A3052 towards Exeter) shows how the site in Sidford’s Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) could be transformed by EDDC’s Local Plan.
What EDDC’s revised Local Plan specifies for the Sid Valley | Save Our Sidmouth
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