Comments on Changes to the East Devon Local Plan – Robin Fuller, Sidmouth: 17 September 2013
SOS challenge to Energy and Consultancy figures…relocation project leader’s reply. | Save Our Sidmouth
Knowle/Honiton/Exmouth relocation | East Devon Watch
East Devon District Council cites “commercial sensitivity” as reason to keep tight-lipped over move to Honiton and Exmouth | Exeter Express and Echo
As covered in this blog:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: investing in renewable technologies to keep energy bills down
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: saving energy costs - and challenging the justification to move
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: "How efficiently is this building being used?"
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project ... the Committee on Climate Change predicts an increase in energy bills over the next 15 years of 30-45% ... the District Council predicts an increase of 400%
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: Predicting energy price increases over the next 20 years
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: demolish or renovate?
Futures Forum: "The greenest building is the one standing" >>> Why do developers prefer to demolish buildings than renovate them?
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: reducing carbon emissions
Tomorrow's Herald will feature the latest in this saga:
SOS: EDDC move needs public scrutiny
13:00 22 January 2015
EDDC's Knowle HQ. Ref shs 7705-15-12SH Picture: Simon Horn
Angry campaigners say district chiefs are ‘flagrantly overstating’ savings in justifying their relocation from Knowle – and argue public accountability is essential before any decision is made.
Save Our Sidmouth chairman Richard Thurlow warned there was ‘every prospect’ of a judicial review if East Devon District Council (EDDC) goes ahead with the move, which assumes an energy price increase three times what the Government is predicting.
The authority expects to save £5.5million in running costs by moving its staff to a purpose-built property at Honiton’s Heathpark and existing offices at Exmouth Town Hall. It hopes to sell its ‘unfit-for-purpose’ Knowle HQ and borrow £5million to keep the relocation cost neutral.
Mr Thurlow said: “We are very unhappy with the figures used by EDDC – they are vastly in excess of those suggested by official bodies, and EDDC has provided no real justification for their use. In our opinion, it will be extremely dangerous to proceed on a project whose only financial saving is via hypothetical energy savings over a 20-year period.”
EDDC figures predict a 10 per cent increase in the cost of gas over the next decade, but expert forecasts put it closer to three per cent – leaving deputy chief executive Richard Cohen ‘out on a limb’.
Mr Thurlow added: “They have not adopted Department of Energy and Climate Change or any other official figures, but used their own, with absolutely no justification. We believe that it is essential for EDDC public accountability that the full set of costs and savings for the relocation are available to the public, before any final decisions are made.”
He said there would indeed be some energy cost savings from the move, but the council was duty-bound to release any non-commercially sensitive data to justify it.
Town council candidate Marc Kilsbie added to the calls for transparency, saying: “We paid for the body of work to be done – why aren’t we allowed to view what we have paid for? Why have we paid £6,800 [in legal fees at a tribunal] to prevent us from seeing it?”
Responding to the direct question, an EDDC spokesman said: “Full council agreed on December 17 that no final decision will be taken on relocation until there has been a thorough examination of the figures underpinning the project by the council’s audit and governance committee, overview and scrutiny committee and internal audit and external auditors.”
SOS: EDDC move needs public scrutiny - News - Sidmouth HeraldA Freedom of Information request was made a month ago provoking some answers - but not to the main questions posed:
Energy Costs for relocation…..disclosure of information still refused. | Save Our Sidmouth
This is from the WhatDoTheyKnow website:
Energy costs
R Thurlow made this Freedom of Information request to East Devon District Council
Currently waiting for a response from East Devon District Council, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details).
From: R Thurlow
Dear East Devon District Council,
Could you provide information as to how:
a) the inflation rate of 3% was calculated with reference to page
12 of the next Cabinet agenda
b) the inflation rate of 2% was calculated with reference to page
45 of the Relocation Update to Cabinet
c) The inflation rate per annum of 18.8% for gas and 11.9% per
annum for electricity from 203 to 2013 was calculated,
page 45
d) the inflation rate of 10% per annum for energy for the next 20
years was calculated, again with reference to page 45 of the
Relocation Update to Cabinet
e/ The make up and precise predictions of all components of the
total savings of £5.55m over 20 years.,
Page 45
I would like to know the exact references and sources which provide
the basis for these calculations – as well as the precise
methodology by which these calculations were arrived at.
Thank you.”
Yours faithfully,
Richard Thurlow
Could you provide information as to how:
a) the inflation rate of 3% was calculated with reference to page
12 of the next Cabinet agenda
b) the inflation rate of 2% was calculated with reference to page
45 of the Relocation Update to Cabinet
c) The inflation rate per annum of 18.8% for gas and 11.9% per
annum for electricity from 203 to 2013 was calculated,
page 45
d) the inflation rate of 10% per annum for energy for the next 20
years was calculated, again with reference to page 45 of the
Relocation Update to Cabinet
e/ The make up and precise predictions of all components of the
total savings of £5.55m over 20 years.,
Page 45
I would like to know the exact references and sources which provide
the basis for these calculations – as well as the precise
methodology by which these calculations were arrived at.
Thank you.”
Yours faithfully,
Richard Thurlow
East Devon District Council
Thank you for submitting a request for information. We will respond to your request as quickly as possible, within the 20 working day statutory deadline under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
For updates on this case, please quote your unique reference number 101000352353 .
Customer Service Centre
East Devon District Council
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For updates on this case, please quote your unique reference number 101000352353 .
Customer Service Centre
East Devon District Council
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East Devon District Council
Dear Mr Thurlow,
Thank you for your request for information. Please find the response to your query below.
Could you provide information as to how:
a) the inflation rate of 3% was calculated with reference to page 12 of the next Cabinet agenda
Finance used CPI back 12mths YOY Aug 2013 to Aug 2014 = 1.5% NB: The 1.5% is in the 2015/16 Budget for Jan CAB 7/1/15, (NOT 2014/15 3% per CAB 15/1/14)
b) the inflation rate of 2% was calculated with reference to page 45 of the Relocation Update to Cabinet ;
The 2% allowance is based upon the Bank of England Monetary Policy Framework Inflation target of 2% which is expressed in terms of an annual rate of inflation based on the Consumer Prices Index (CPI)
c) The inflation rate per annum of 18.8% for gas and 11.9% per annum for electricity from 203 to 2013 was calculated, page 45
The answer is in the para above. The inflation rates have been based upon the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) fuel price indices between 2003 and 2013
d) the inflation rate of 10% per annum for energy for the next 20 years was calculated, again with reference to page 45 of the Relocation Update to Cabinet
Our approach has been to reflect upon actual past performance of energy costs rather than rely on forward estimates
e/ The make up and precise predictions of all components of the total savings of £5.55m over 20 years.
This information is commercially confidential due to its inclusion of figures relating to land and property valuation. It is exempt information under s43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act
I hope this is helpful.
If you are not satisfied with the way we have responded to your request, please fill in our online complaint form at or write to the Monitoring Officer, EDDC, Knowle, Sidmouth, EX10 8HL [email address]
You may also approach the Information Commissioner's office for advice at
Kate Symington
Information and Complaints Officer
East Devon District Council
01395 517417
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Thank you for your request for information. Please find the response to your query below.
Could you provide information as to how:
a) the inflation rate of 3% was calculated with reference to page 12 of the next Cabinet agenda
Finance used CPI back 12mths YOY Aug 2013 to Aug 2014 = 1.5% NB: The 1.5% is in the 2015/16 Budget for Jan CAB 7/1/15, (NOT 2014/15 3% per CAB 15/1/14)
b) the inflation rate of 2% was calculated with reference to page 45 of the Relocation Update to Cabinet ;
The 2% allowance is based upon the Bank of England Monetary Policy Framework Inflation target of 2% which is expressed in terms of an annual rate of inflation based on the Consumer Prices Index (CPI)
c) The inflation rate per annum of 18.8% for gas and 11.9% per annum for electricity from 203 to 2013 was calculated, page 45
The answer is in the para above. The inflation rates have been based upon the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) fuel price indices between 2003 and 2013
d) the inflation rate of 10% per annum for energy for the next 20 years was calculated, again with reference to page 45 of the Relocation Update to Cabinet
Our approach has been to reflect upon actual past performance of energy costs rather than rely on forward estimates
e/ The make up and precise predictions of all components of the total savings of £5.55m over 20 years.
This information is commercially confidential due to its inclusion of figures relating to land and property valuation. It is exempt information under s43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act
I hope this is helpful.
If you are not satisfied with the way we have responded to your request, please fill in our online complaint form at or write to the Monitoring Officer, EDDC, Knowle, Sidmouth, EX10 8HL [email address]
You may also approach the Information Commissioner's office for advice at
Kate Symington
Information and Complaints Officer
East Devon District Council
01395 517417
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From: R Thurlow
Dear East Devon District Council,
Thank you for your reply.
I note that you are refusing to release information on item e
I fail to see how this information is commercially sensitive. You
have already given the breakdown of the costs of the existing
Knowle building and a new building, as part of the DL Office
Accommodation, "Knowle Energy Use and maintenance cost analysis
Report of June 2013". The headings in that document under which you
have assessed the current costs are;
Planned Maintenance,
Reactive Maintenance
Electricity consumption
Gas consumption
Water consumption
Buildings insurance
Employee costs
Grounds maintenance
Property service costs
Recharge for Council Services
Other costs
Other Running Costs
Mr Cohen, in his email to me of the 8th December 2014, said "Also,
please be aware that in addition to electricity and gas costs there
are other elements including Business Rates, Maintenance (planned,
reactive, grounds), insurances and other running costs that have
also been taken into consideration"
What on earth is the point of refusing to state how these costs
have been increased over a 20 year period? None of this information
is commercially confidential, and should not be so described.
Please let me have this information now
Richard Thurlow
Yours faithfully,
R Thurlow
Thank you for your reply.
I note that you are refusing to release information on item e
I fail to see how this information is commercially sensitive. You
have already given the breakdown of the costs of the existing
Knowle building and a new building, as part of the DL Office
Accommodation, "Knowle Energy Use and maintenance cost analysis
Report of June 2013". The headings in that document under which you
have assessed the current costs are;
Planned Maintenance,
Reactive Maintenance
Electricity consumption
Gas consumption
Water consumption
Buildings insurance
Employee costs
Grounds maintenance
Property service costs
Recharge for Council Services
Other costs
Other Running Costs
Mr Cohen, in his email to me of the 8th December 2014, said "Also,
please be aware that in addition to electricity and gas costs there
are other elements including Business Rates, Maintenance (planned,
reactive, grounds), insurances and other running costs that have
also been taken into consideration"
What on earth is the point of refusing to state how these costs
have been increased over a 20 year period? None of this information
is commercially confidential, and should not be so described.
Please let me have this information now
Richard Thurlow
Yours faithfully,
R Thurlow
From: Kate Symington
East Devon District Council
Mr Thurlow
Thank you for your email. Please accept my apologies for an error in my previous response. The information which was not provided to you specifically in relation to part (e) of your request is not exempt on the basis of commercial confidentiality.
The reason that the make-up and exact predictions within the financial reconciliation document cannot be provided to you at this time relates to the inclusion in the figures of specific employee costs. It would be possible to identify individual staff members from the information used in these calculations and the data is therefore exempt under s40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act.
Please be advised that this document is going to be audited by both SWAP and Grant Thornton and so, although we cannot provide all requested detail publicly at this stage, I hope you will take comfort from the fact that professional and independent parties will be thoroughly reviewing the document.
To confirm, this aspect of your request is exempt from disclosure under s40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act and my apologies for any confusion caused by my earlier response.
Mrs Kate Symington
Information and Complaints Officer
East Devon District Council
01395 517417
show quoted sections
Thank you for your email. Please accept my apologies for an error in my previous response. The information which was not provided to you specifically in relation to part (e) of your request is not exempt on the basis of commercial confidentiality.
The reason that the make-up and exact predictions within the financial reconciliation document cannot be provided to you at this time relates to the inclusion in the figures of specific employee costs. It would be possible to identify individual staff members from the information used in these calculations and the data is therefore exempt under s40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act.
Please be advised that this document is going to be audited by both SWAP and Grant Thornton and so, although we cannot provide all requested detail publicly at this stage, I hope you will take comfort from the fact that professional and independent parties will be thoroughly reviewing the document.
To confirm, this aspect of your request is exempt from disclosure under s40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act and my apologies for any confusion caused by my earlier response.
Mrs Kate Symington
Information and Complaints Officer
East Devon District Council
01395 517417
show quoted sections
From: R Thurlow
Dear Kate Symington,
Your answer is complete fiction; you have now find another excuse
for not giving me data, again completely wrongly.
In my last email, I detailed the basic headings under which you
calculated the operating costs of both the Knowle and your proposed
new buildings, obtained from your own, publicly available document.
You now refuse to give me details of the estimated future costs and
% increase rate under these headings, all of which ,except
"Employee costs" cannot be sensitive to "the identification of
Council employees". And even then, these "Employee" costs, which
you have given as £110216 in an EDDC published document, are not
split down into individual employees, so there is NO possibility of
me identifying what an EDDC employee earns in maintaining the
Interestingly in that document, you have calculated the Employee
cost in the new buildings as being identical to the Knowle, so
there is no reason for saying that I cannot have this information
under the FOI act, because I need nothing further other than the %
increase over 20 years which you have assumed.
I give below the costs under each heading for both the Knowle and
the proposed new building, available in the public document.
Knowle :New Buildings
Planned Maintenance, ;£12738 ;£5529
Reactive Maintenance ;£13306 ;£5000
Electricity consumption ;£63289 ;£18296
Gas consumption ;£20613 ;£10768
Water consumption ;£8356 ;£8356
COUNCIL Rates ; £124221 ;£53922
Buildings insurance ;£13357 ;£5798
Employee costs ;£110216 ; £110216
Grounds maintenance ;£12692 ;£3173
Property service costs ;£28260 ;£12267
Recharge for Council Services ;£24574 ;£24574
Other costs ; £17123 ;£7433
Other Running Costs ; £ 99425 ;£4091
TOTAL ; £458170 ;£269424
What I need is the inflation % you have assumed in your calculation
of the savings over 20 years, from 2015 onwards
Your refusal to give me this is totally unjustified.
I can only assume that you have something to hide.
Please let me have this information immediately. I am aware that
SWAP and Grant Thornton are reviewing your figures; in fact I am in
correspondence with them about the situation
Yours sincerely,
R Thurlow
Yours sincerely,
R Thurlow
Your answer is complete fiction; you have now find another excuse
for not giving me data, again completely wrongly.
In my last email, I detailed the basic headings under which you
calculated the operating costs of both the Knowle and your proposed
new buildings, obtained from your own, publicly available document.
You now refuse to give me details of the estimated future costs and
% increase rate under these headings, all of which ,except
"Employee costs" cannot be sensitive to "the identification of
Council employees". And even then, these "Employee" costs, which
you have given as £110216 in an EDDC published document, are not
split down into individual employees, so there is NO possibility of
me identifying what an EDDC employee earns in maintaining the
Interestingly in that document, you have calculated the Employee
cost in the new buildings as being identical to the Knowle, so
there is no reason for saying that I cannot have this information
under the FOI act, because I need nothing further other than the %
increase over 20 years which you have assumed.
I give below the costs under each heading for both the Knowle and
the proposed new building, available in the public document.
Knowle :New Buildings
Planned Maintenance, ;£12738 ;£5529
Reactive Maintenance ;£13306 ;£5000
Electricity consumption ;£63289 ;£18296
Gas consumption ;£20613 ;£10768
Water consumption ;£8356 ;£8356
COUNCIL Rates ; £124221 ;£53922
Buildings insurance ;£13357 ;£5798
Employee costs ;£110216 ; £110216
Grounds maintenance ;£12692 ;£3173
Property service costs ;£28260 ;£12267
Recharge for Council Services ;£24574 ;£24574
Other costs ; £17123 ;£7433
Other Running Costs ; £ 99425 ;£4091
TOTAL ; £458170 ;£269424
What I need is the inflation % you have assumed in your calculation
of the savings over 20 years, from 2015 onwards
Your refusal to give me this is totally unjustified.
I can only assume that you have something to hide.
Please let me have this information immediately. I am aware that
SWAP and Grant Thornton are reviewing your figures; in fact I am in
correspondence with them about the situation
Yours sincerely,
R Thurlow
Yours sincerely,
R Thurlow
Energy costs - a Freedom of Information request to East Devon District Council - WhatDoTheyKnow
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