EU - US Trade Deal - Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Dear all,
The trade deal currently being negotiated between the EU and the US poses a great threat to sustainability and much else. It is aimed at increasing trade between the two continents by removing tariffs (important for agricultural products) and regulatory barriers. However the campaign to Keep Our NHS Public (KONP) is so worried about the deal's effects on the health service there will be a discussion of it at their meeting this week. We thought you'd like to know, hence this mailing.
Transition supporters are welcome at the meeting of KONP on Thursday 22nd January at St Sidwell Centre, 6.45 pm
If you would like to know more about the TTIP trade deal please read on.
Some of the US imports which might be allowed under the TTIP are beef raised with hormones and lots of antibiotics, chlorine washed chicken, food with GMOs (more health research now shows risks to kidney and liver function). Not good for west country farmers...
In the US costs may also be lower because labour and health standards are lower. Imports could undercut European produce produced with better conditions. Job losses in the EU could reach 1 million
European negotiators are trying to outlaw some US States' policy to buy local, so big European companies can sell more easily there. That would undermine schools, hospitals and local authorities that want to buy local food etc here.
There could be unelected courts for settling trade disputes made up of corporate lawyers. Many governments have had to pay millions to corporations for loss of profits resulting from legislation because of settlements under these dispute mechanisms (Investor State Dispute Mechanisms ISDS). KONP believe that these clauses would prevent any UK government from stopping and reversing the privatization of the NHS.
There is a fuller briefing about the TTIP on our website here: http://www.transitionexeter.org.uk/node/344 and information also on Global Justice and 38 degrees websites. Please write a letter to your MP or MEP asking them to oppose the deal.
EU - US Trade Deal - Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership | Transition Exeter
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership TTIP
See also:
Futures Forum: A look at the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Sidmouth Market Square: Saturday 11th Oct
Futures Forum: Community hospitals in East Devon: consultation on NHS proposals begins
Futures Forum: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Transition Town movement
Futures Forum: "Sustainable Growth"... and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Futures Forum: The impacts of climate change are “severe, pervasive and irreversible” says the latest assessment from the IPCC
The trade deal currently being negotiated between the EU and the US poses a great threat to sustainability and much else. It is aimed at increasing trade between the two continents by removing tariffs (important for agricultural products) and regulatory barriers. However the campaign to Keep Our NHS Public (KONP) is so worried about the deal's effects on the health service there will be a discussion of it at their meeting this week. We thought you'd like to know, hence this mailing.
Transition supporters are welcome at the meeting of KONP on Thursday 22nd January at St Sidwell Centre, 6.45 pm
If you would like to know more about the TTIP trade deal please read on.
Some of the US imports which might be allowed under the TTIP are beef raised with hormones and lots of antibiotics, chlorine washed chicken, food with GMOs (more health research now shows risks to kidney and liver function). Not good for west country farmers...
In the US costs may also be lower because labour and health standards are lower. Imports could undercut European produce produced with better conditions. Job losses in the EU could reach 1 million
European negotiators are trying to outlaw some US States' policy to buy local, so big European companies can sell more easily there. That would undermine schools, hospitals and local authorities that want to buy local food etc here.
There could be unelected courts for settling trade disputes made up of corporate lawyers. Many governments have had to pay millions to corporations for loss of profits resulting from legislation because of settlements under these dispute mechanisms (Investor State Dispute Mechanisms ISDS). KONP believe that these clauses would prevent any UK government from stopping and reversing the privatization of the NHS.
There is a fuller briefing about the TTIP on our website here: http://www.transitionexeter.org.uk/node/344 and information also on Global Justice and 38 degrees websites. Please write a letter to your MP or MEP asking them to oppose the deal.
EU - US Trade Deal - Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership | Transition Exeter
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership TTIP
See also:
Futures Forum: A look at the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Sidmouth Market Square: Saturday 11th Oct
Futures Forum: Community hospitals in East Devon: consultation on NHS proposals begins
Futures Forum: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Transition Town movement
Futures Forum: "Sustainable Growth"... and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Futures Forum: The impacts of climate change are “severe, pervasive and irreversible” says the latest assessment from the IPCC
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