... and will feature more and more in the coming months and years ...

20 tips to eat well for less - eat4cheap - NHS Choices

BBC News - How to eat healthily on £1 a day
Poor Girl Eats Well — How to eat ridiculously well on a minuscule budget.

'Now food is for more than consoling myself': cooking for mental health | Society | The Guardian
Good food and healthy diet - Live Well - NHS Choices
UK 'could run out of land by 2030' as housing, food and energy compete for space - Telegraph
Natural Capital Leaders Platform | Sustainable Ecosystems | CISL – Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership

BBC News - UK faces 'significant' shortage of farmland by 2030
Delivering food security without increasing pressure on land

Creating Sitopia: Food Centred Thinking To Change The World | How to feed a city is the great conundrum of civilisation. And it's one that, with cities expanding faster today than at any other time in history, has never been more urgent. Cities have always relied on the countryside for sustenance, but in the past so few people lived in them that their ecological impact was limited. If the future is truly urban, we urgently need to redefine what that means.
Review: Hungry City by Carolyn Steel and The End of Food by Paul Roberts | Books | The Observer
Agroforestry research trust fruits nuts seeds plants publications
Agroforestry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Welcome to the Farm Woodland Forum Web Site | Farm Woodland Forum
Agroforestry: A new approach to increasing farm production - YouTube
F3 | Bicton College
Kevin FredianiHead of Sustainable Land UseBicton College
The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil Documentary -- Welcome!
▶ The Power of Community. How Cuba Survived Peak Oil - YouTube
The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Discover Magazine: The latest in science and technology news, blogs and articles - Tags
Wasted Food, Wasted Energy: The Embedded Energy in Food Waste in the United States - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS Publications)

Love Food Hate Waste | Stop Food Waste, Find Recipes, Save Money
Sustainable Energy Use in Food Chains | Brunel University London

Horsemeat scandal: the ABP and Comigel connections | UK news | theguardian.com
The complex food supply chain that led to the horsemeat scandal | UK news | theguardian.com
WEF Conference :: GWSP
Water, energy and food security nexus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Nexus 2015: Water, Food, Climate and Energy Conference", Chapel Hill/USA | Water Energy Food Nexus, Bonn 2011
Is Water the New Bottom Line for the Private Sector?, Stay Connected | Water Energy Food Nexus, Bonn 2011

IUCN International - Understanding the relationship between water, energy and food security
Water Security: The Water-Energy-Food-Climate Nexus | World Economic Forum - Water Security: The Water-Energy-Food-Climate Nexus
Food, energy and water: the politics of the nexus | Jeremy Allouche | Science | The Guardian
See also:
Futures Forum: 'A Farm For the Future'
Futures Forum: 'Mega farms'... for Devon...?
Futures Forum: Poverty in Sidmouth: Sid Valley Food Bank: "demand has quadrupled in just a year"
Futures Forum: Allotments in East Devon
Futures Forum: Nice posh Sidmouth has a Waitrose: but could it do with a more down-to-earth Morrison's? Perhaps not...
Futures Forum: The Future of our Food ........ on Costing the Earth
Futures Forum: Sustainable food production and consumption
Futures Forum: km zero - zero food miles
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