Futures Forum: Employment land proposals for Sidmouth >>> the latest draft Local Plan
Futures Forum: Questions remain about the Sidford business park
Futures Forum: Plans for Manstone: the draft Local Plan and 20 new homes >>> but no buyers and no affordable housing
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: the draft Local Plan and 30 new homes
Futures Forum: Housing in East Devon: "Why has the District Council opted for such high growth level?" >>> in contrast to consultants' reports and government growth projections
At last, however, the process seems to be moving forward - but rather slowly, in comparison to neighbouring Districts:
Futures Forum: The draft local plan process in Mid Devon: a comparison
Today's Express & Echo reminded us of that process:
East Devon public given chance to comment on planning blueprint
By Exeter Express and Echo | Posted: April 15, 2015

Map showing a 'Green Wedge' area in East Devon where development was proposed
A fresh public consultation on the future blueprint for planning in East Devon will be launched on Thursday 16 April and will run until Friday 12 June.
Planning Inspector Anthony Thickett has advised East Devon District Council of the matters that he wishes to see consulted upon, following the completion of extra work that planning officers were required to do to supplement the previously submitted draft Local Plan.
The Inspector has given the council a list of questions and these will be available for interested members of the public to view online, at Knowle and at libraries and town council offices* across the district for a period of eight weeks.
As before, it will be possible for people to submit comments online or on forms that may be emailed or sent through the post. These will be available on the council’s website and at the various access points around East Devon. The online documents can be accessed at: Examination and hearing sessions - East Devon District Council
In this final round of consultation, the council will be asking residents to comment only on revisions to the earlier version of the draft Local Plan.
The Inspector’s questions that are open for comment will be grouped together in four clusters, plus there will be a fifth section for comment on any proposed changes not covered by the Inspector’s questions.
The four specific clusters concern:
• Housing levels and development in the plan
• Gypsy and Traveller provision
• Site allocations
• Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
CIL supporting documents and forms for making comments can be viewed at: CIL examination - East Devon District Council
Each access point will have a package of information available, including guidance notes explaining what the Inspector wants to know and how to fill in the electronic forms or paper documents.
Comments must be received by 12 noon on Friday 12 June 2015 at the very latest. The responses received will be collated and sent on direct to the Inspector for his consideration. It is anticipated that the Inspector will be able to reconvene hearing sessions in July.
East Devon public given chance to comment on planning blueprint | Exeter Express and Echo
Public consultation on latest version of Local Plan starts tomorrow until 12 June | East Devon Watch
See also:
6 April 2015 - Council can now demonstrate a robust five-year housing land supply - East Devon District Council
And an interesting headline:
Local Plan ‘saves us from big developments’ - News - Exmouth Journal
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