Futures Forum: Sowing wildflower seeds in the Byes with the FOTB: Saturday 19th April
It's happening again this weekend:
Dear Friends of the Byes
This weekend we are going to be preparing some ground for planting more wild flower seeds in Sid Meadow. The seeds were collected and stored by volunteers from last years flowers in The Byes.
Please do come along and join us.
We will be meeting in the Community Orchard this Saturday 11th at 10am for two to three hours.
Volunteer days for this month are as follows:
Saturday 11th April 10-12 midday – Preparing ground and planting wildflowers
Saturday 18th April 10-12 midday - Wildflowers and tree copse maintenance
Saturday 25th April 10-12 midday Tree copse maintenance and Herb garden in Orchard
Saturday 2nd May 10-12 midday Herb garden in Orchard & Tree copse maintenance
Please contact Kati on 07817 041239 if you can make it along to any volunteer mornings or feel free to just turn up.
If you would like to help FOTB by sponsoring a Bench or Tree or more Wild Flowers, please contact Carol on 07786 152940
Kind Regards
Michael Horsnell
Behalf of Friends of The Byes
Friends of The Byes / Sidmouth BEE Project | Facebook
This is from last year:

August 2014 | Facebook
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