In a few days time, there'll be a further meeting to look to how we can 'make Sidmouth plastic free':
Futures Forum: Make Sidmouth plastic free > meeting Wednesday 20th June > press release
Here's the latest newsletter from the Plastic Warriors who are leading the project:
Dear Sidmouth Plastic Warrior Supporter,
We are so close to having our bid to become a 'Plastic Free Coastline' town approved! We just need to have one more meeting, and so to this end it will be on Wednesday June 20th at 7pm, in the Leigh Browne Room of the Dissenters’/Unitarian Hall. It would be fantastic to have lots of people there to share ideas and help the Steering Committee to really push for change. Once the meeting has been held and we have agreed a plan of action for the next few months, we will send the minutes off to Surfers Against Sewage and ought to hear something positive pretty soon.
There is a poster attached for the meeting that I would be very grateful if you would circulate or put up wherever possible.

Also attached is another poster for the next clean up, which is on Sunday June 24th 2-4, again tackling the Woolbrook area, starting and finishing at Long Park (with a BYO picnic at the end). Again please circulate the poster as widely as possible.
Thanks for all your support, we are getting there slowly and looking at other towns. I think it's clear that we are making a difference.
Sidmouth Plastic Warriors – Doing everything in our power to get Sidmouth single-use-plastic-free
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Sidmouth Plastic Warriors (@SidPlasticWar) | Twitter
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