Futures Forum: Make Sidmouth plastic free > meeting Wednesday 20th June > to become a 'Plastic Free Coastline' town and agree a plan of action
It's been held by the Futures Forum of the VGS:
Public meeting > final step to make Sidmouth "plastic free" - Vision Group for Sidmouth
And is being driven by the Plastic Warriors:
Sidmouth Plastic Warriors – Doing everything in our power to get Sidmouth single-use-plastic-free
The meeting will formalise the application to have Sidmouth declared a 'Plastic Free Coastline Town' under the auspices of the Surfers Against Sewage who have been at the forefront of trying to get communities to commit:
Plastic Free Communities • Surfers Against Sewage
The meeting will also try to look further - by suggesting other ways to go plastic free. And there are several - including this idea posted on the Plastic Warriors' Facebook page:
Anyone up for a Plastic Attack in Lidl? We could all shop there one Saturday afternoon and simultaneously unpack everything and give back the plastic? We need something big to get their attention
😊 And set up an information stall outside to explain why?

Sidmouth Plastic Warriors Public Group | Facebook
This action was very successful in Ireland a couple of months ago:
Futures Forum: "Shop and drop" day of action at Irish supermarkets > Saturday 21st April
And there are all sorts of actions which could be undertaken:
Futures Forum: Plastics Week in Sidmouth: and the Chamber of Commerce >>> how businesses can reduce single use plastics
Futures Forum: Plastic Free Friday
Futures Forum: Talking plastic with Sidmouth College "really encouraging"
Futures Forum: Plastic Free Ottery > Boomerang Bag Project
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