Futures Forum: The Future for Heath in Sidmouth: event Tuesday 26th November: agenda
this is taken from a leaflet from the 'Keep the NHS Public' campaign.
It includes advice to the public about engaging with the local
> Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
NHS NEW Devon CCG - Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group
> Patients Participation Group:
Patient Participation Group
What’s to be done?
Our NHS has been the envy of the world for 65 years. It’s
not without problems, but the government’s ‘reforms’ do
nothing to tackle these. Instead, the focus is on privatising
services. If you want to support the future of the NHS as
a publicly funded and provided service, you can:
■ Join a campaign group such as Keep Our
NHS Public (KONP) 19 Vincent Terrace, London
N1 8HN. (www.keepournhspublic.com) or
Health Emergency BCM London Health Emergency,
London WC1 N3XX.
■ Push the media, like the BBC, to provide more, and
unbiased, reports on what is happening to the
NHS; also write to local and national papers about
specific NHS problems.
■ Find out more about exempting the NHS from
European /US Free Trade Agreements at
www.opendemocracy.net (enter Free Trade
Agreements in the search box).
■ Report cuts in your NHS services to the NHS
Support Federation, 113 Queens Road,
Brighton BN1 3XG. (www.nhscampaign.org)
■ Raise specific concerns at your CCG’s public
meetings (get details from your GP practice.)
■ Join the Patient Participation Group (PPG) at your GP
practice. Ask them to set up meetings with patients to
explain how the practice and local CCG are working
and how local patient services are being affected.
■ Contact your local branch of Healthwatch
(www.healthwatch.co.uk) and your local NHS
Foundation Trust to find out what is happening to
services and how to get elected to the committee
or Board. (See below.)
■ Tell your MP about local problems with NHS services.
Get your MP’s name at www.theyworkforyou.com
and write to them at The House of Commons,
London, SW1A 0AA - or go to their constituency
surgery (see local paper for details).
■ If you want your healthcare to be provided where
possible by genuine NHS services (not private
companies), ask your GP to mark your medical
notes “No Private Provider ” .
Keep Our NHS Public
The second issue of Healthwatch Voices ( published by "Healthwatch Devon" ) is out now, listing all sorts of events and activities - and ways of getting involved. There are copies still available in Sidmouth Library or from info@healthwatchdevon.co.uk or from Latest newsletter from Be Involved Devon - Healthwatch Devon

Healthwatch Devon will give people a powerful voice locally and nationally.
Locally, Healthwatch Devon will work to help people get the best out of their health and social care services. With your help we will improving health and social care services today and help to shape them for tomorrow. Your Healthwatch is all about local voices being able to influence how local services are designed and delivered. Members of the public, patients, carers and service users alike will be encouraged to work in partnership with us to achieve the best quality care and more choice in the county.
Healthwatch is a new independent consumer champion created to gather and represent the views of the public.
Welcome to Healthwatch Devon - your voice countsSee also: Futures Forum: The Future for Health in Sidmouth: "Keep Our NHS Public" campaign.
Futures Forum: The Future for Health in Sidmouth: health in Budleigh
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