Futures Forum: Climate change: and 'taking statements out of context' >>> Climategate and Copenhagen >>> ExxonMobil and Paris
We are now looking to the next conference in Paris:
Futures Forum: The impacts of climate change are “severe, pervasive and irreversible” says the latest assessment from the IPCC.
Futures Forum: Climate change: join the global Climate March >>> 29th November >>> Paris and beyond >>>

This week's Costing the Earth brought together a panel of influential thinkers on the natural world:

In Conversation with David Attenborough
BBC Radio 4 - Costing the Earth, In Conversation with David Attenborough
Sir David was also in conversation with someone else earlier this year:
BBC - A conversation with President Barack Obama and Sir David Attenborough - Media Centre
Another programme was on Radio 4 the same morning:
BBC Radio 4 - The Life Scientific, Paul Younger at the Free Thinking Festival
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